Logo-gate, Silver Lake, and Yorkshire.
I just ran over to a local blog to see whose character was being assassinated today. I expected it to be a three-fer. It exceeded my expectations.
Let’s see….Grant, Kaczmarek, Peacor and Nohe, the usual suspects. They were basically mimicked, called liars, stooges, stupid and disgusting. Give it a rest, bloggers. Handle the issues without the smug air of superiority, the demeaning tones, and the name calling.
I don’t mind governmental transparency or the questioning of govt actions. I mind the name calling and lack of professionalism by the bloggers. If history repeats itself, there will be some bull crap printed about Moonhowler and the woodshed. Please don’t. Just improve, develop some professionalism, and stop name calling.
I find the elevation of the Pet Supervisor in nearly every single post to be, well, extremely transparent and obvious. That’s too bad. Pete Candland does some good things in this county. I like Pete. He tries hard and he is learning. He needs to go a step further by insisting that his favorite-son anonymous blog develop some ethics, come out from behind the computer screens, cover the truth rather than inventing it, and stop the name calling and derisive tone when speaking of county employees.
Its very easy to be critical of policy or actions without ridiculing, insulting, disparaging and name calling. I expect all supervisors to insist on this decorum. Mr. Jenkins discussed the logo problem without once resorting to name-calling. Perhaps he recalls how recently he was the object of derision on said blog–or perhaps he is just a decent person and wouldn’t belittle others, even those with whom he disagrees.
Meanwhile, Supervisor Marty Nohe was right to defend his constituents regarding Corey Stewart’s poor choice of words regarding the route 28 corridor going through the Yorkshire community. I believe the term Stewart used was ‘ratty.’
Dear God! If it’s ratty, what has the BOCS done to improve this entrance to the county? Nothing. Not one damn thing that I am aware of.
Yes, absolutely, the Route 28 corridor into PWC could use a major overhaul, suburban renewal and some sprucing up. Its an older community that has been there since long before I came to the county. No supervisor needs to speak of the Yorkshire community as ratty. Fix it. The older, run down part of this corridor is privately owned. Offer some grants. Send in the blight squad for those sections that need some renewal.
I’ll tell you what ratty is….Silver Lake. The county needs to throw some major dollars into Silver Lake renovation. Private citizens can’t do it all. The nearly $200,000 low-balled at Rainbow Riding for a parking lot and bathrooms would have gone a long way towards fulfilling the promises made about Silver Lake. Some of the supervisors seem to forget past transgressions when discussing current money they feel is being misdirected. [Stern look at Covington and Stewart]
The road leading in to Silver Lake is ugly, in bad need of grading, and a good place to bust an axle if you aren’t careful. The entrance is shabby. There still aren’t even trash cans. Pete Candland’s office is attempting to work on the problem. Frankly, private citizens can’t do it all unless an anonymous donor falls out of the sky with some huge bucks.
Silver Lake is ratty. But I digress….
Perhaps this blog, Moonhowlings, needs to have a daily column on character assassination. Perhaps some folks are unaware of their unethical tones and how the outside world perceives continual bashing of the same people. You are never too old to practice the Golden Rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
In my not so humble opinion, the blogger you speak of would probably have a lot more influence if he/she would clean up their act. When the particular blog was started, it was “cute” but now is like three day old fish–it stinks. And like other bloggers we know, if you disagree your comment may not be published or if it is you are ridiculed or it is suggested you just don’t understand. Of course sycophants keep such blogger in business and over inflate their importance and ego. I don’t know what or where Silver Lake is but if you say it is “ratty”, I believe it. As to the Rainbow Riding Academy, when will the BOCS quit pouring money into it? I know, I know, they are offering riding therapy to wounded veterans and that is commendable but this can’t be the soul reason for continuing support. I guess it is like not support the war when George W. was in charge–it was unpatriotic to not do so. We owe our veterans more than we can ever repay but let’s don’t use them as an excuse to bilk the public.
Probably Silver Lake screams that no one gives a rat’s ass. It is badly in need of landscaping, road regrading, and removal of weeds and poison oak.
The school encroaches on the lake. A natural barrier needs to be planted and some fencing.
The entrance is unacceptable. It is one step up from a sign reading Pigs 4 Sale. The lake needs decent signage on the route 55 turn off as well as the entrance on Antioch Road.
Silver Lake could be the gem of the county. Instead it is the forgotten rough screaming no one gives a rat’s ass. (Pete Candland has tried, btw)
The county just had to take the land and not let the Bull Run Conservancy have it. They made promises they haven’t kept. Silver Lake is neglected. There isn’t so much as a trash can out there.
On the main topic, George, I agree with you. It is time that the citizens of this county learn to address county problems in an ethical, professional way.
I would hate going to work every day and wondering which nasty, jealous backstabber was going to make up something they half understood. It reminds of me a gestapo state actually. That’s not the way I want our county to run.
By all means hold employees’ and politicians’respective feet to the fire. It can be done without ridicule. Let’s face it….if that blog didn’t find something wrong with some of the folks that are the usual objects of derision, the blog would soon have no readers.
There has to be raw meat or ….things will dry up real fast over there.
Azurite sinks indeed!
It is one thing to be a blogger with a known identity and another to be an anonymous blogger who personally attacks anyone and everyone – all the while complaining about personal attacks. The reason this blogger does not man-up is that he knows that it is wrong, and he does not want people to know what he is up to. I do have my opinion as to who he is – and this blog is right up his alley.
I was totally liberated once I started blogging under my name. It felt weird at first, but now I prefer it, mostly 😉
When we first started this blog, there were some people who were so nasty it was shocking. I figure whatever I write I should also be willing to say directly to that person. I would hope that proper etiquette would dictate to the Sheriff that what he writes would not be polite to say to the person to their face. The other issue is that his tone sets THE tone for the blog and people who post there. One can easily disagree with policy and not personally degrade (in public) the other side. Am I guilty of probably not always following the golden rule? Of course, I am only human, but for the most part I really do try to live by that standard, can’t say it to their face, don’t say it at all.
I say plenty of things privately that I wouldn’t put in print. For the most part, I would say what I write to the person’s face.
As for names, I use Moonhowler as a pseudonym. Its how I started before it was my blog. I also had strong county connections. I have adult children who have business careers in town and we have a fairly unique name. I don’t want my politics to impact them negatively and I also don’t want the gkids to get beaten up on the school bus.
I will also say that most people know exactly who I am and what my phone number is. If you want to know and I can determine you aren’t a troll, email me and I will tell you. Like Lafayette, I have been targeted by those who want a little pay-back.
I also have a grandparent name and a nickname. I never use my legal name. How is it different?
Only people who eavesdrop at the polls know my legal name (you know who you are!)
The new “Golden Rule” as it applies to the BOCS
Piss down my leg and tell me its raining and I will piss down your back and tell you that’s what I’m doing.
Can you do that without calling someone stupid? Hopefully.
Thank you Elena for calling out the Sheriff. Now I hope that someone who knows his name will really out him. And I can say the same about The Derecho; although when I recall that Derecho is a Big Wind, maybe it is less important. Your point that the tone of a blog sets the tone of responses is well made and as Forrest Gump says, “Stupid is as stupid does.”
You were outed years ago on BVBL.
Hell I have been outed on my own blog. It isn’t a secret. Most people want to misspell my first and last name though.
Well, it’s obvious why he chooses to be anonymous. Would you want your mother reading that garbage you wrote!! And what’s with the Supervisor adoration? They think he’s qualified for sainthood.
I’ve heard the same name from several – not sure it’s a secret. Then again, who cares, I would hardly say he’s shaping policy.
If someone knows his name, why isn’t it being published? If you have proof; i.e., beyond a reasonable doubt, when why are people holding back? Some sort of false “Honor among anonymous bloggers”?
George, I don’t intentionally “out” people on thie blog. You mention honor….your rules should be your rules…regardless of who it is.
If forced to “whizz” down their backs, I suspect additional commentary with regard to their intelligence would be redundant at best.
The “Sheriff” isn’t a “him” or even a “her. The Sheriff is a “them”.
Being a ‘them’ makes for such bad grammar. Sigh.
You mention honor….your rules should be your rules…regardless of who it is.
C’mon Moon–if the shoe fits, wear it.
Not sure which shoe that would be. I am not going to out anyone in print. I have no proof on anyone. For that matter, I don’t even know that you just typed that last message, George. One of your gkids could have done it.
I just try to stay as above board as I can. There isn’t much red meat on this blog. Even if no one knows who I am, moonhowlings is not an anonymous blog. People know Elena. I know many ‘in-town’ people and they know me.
I have to see people and look them in the eye. I don’t feel the urge to duck into another aisle in stores or put a menu over my face in City Tavern when people I know come in. I can dislike someone’s policy but it doesn’t mean I dislike them.
Some people I just plain old dislike for various reasons. They probably also really dislike me. That’s life.
There is one other aspect of all this ….and that is trust. People tell me things and they know they aren’t going to see it in print here. Information helps me paint the big picture in my mind. It helps me connect the dots. If I start shooting off my mouth, I find out nothing. My sources dry up like a crick in August.
I heard a fabulous story tonight. It will never come out of my fingers or out of my mouth. but I sure enjoyed it. Being able to put a face and a little humor on things gives depth and perspective.
If I act honorably towards people, I hope it will being me good Karma.
The worst people will think is that I am a Pollyanna. They don’t think that for long when they hear my mouth in sailor mode…..
@i shot the sheriff
I would like to clarify something here…..The name allowed on this blog simply refers to the Bob Marley song “I shot the Sheriff” and nothing more. Eric Clapton popularized my favorite version.
As a matter of fact, I just listened to it.
I hope no one makes the mistake of trying to read anything into nothing. Its a name.
That settles that.
I prefer the Bob Marley version of the song.
What goes around comes around. Just give it some time, it will all end badly for him. Everyone knows who the sheriff is, and I don’t believe it is a them, but I for one don’t want his wrath turned on me so I am staying clear of it. Hell hath no fury like a sheriff scorned.
He/they have lessened any credibility with their repeated attacks on politicians and staff that can only be described as cruel. Who likes cruel people? I’m sure ( and this is a sweeping generality and not pertinent) they are all strict churchgoing people with very high standards – FOR EVERYONE ELSE.
The latest “story” is so badly framed I’m thinking their kids or grand kids are writing the stories.
I agree that any good information or any positive support to the favorite son is destroyed by the lack of integrity on the blog. It is impossible to determine fact, or at least well thought out assumptions, from fiction and perversion. Anger and spite cancel out any potential good the blog could do. Their actions will bite both the blog and the politician in the end.
There is a real free for all going on over the wicked Peacor stealing from the gentle fire folks to give to those rogue policemen.
Watch the video that sets it all up. The Supervisor asks just the right questions which are fielded to Chris Martino. It is pretty clear from his responses that the Supervisor just doesn’t get it at all, regardless of the examples given by Mr. M. The people I talked to actually felt sorry for the super. It becomes pretty obvious that the supervisor is asking just the right questions to be used in today’s script.
The morons on the blog want to lynch Peacor for not predicting that Officer Yung was going to die, not knowing how many presidential events there would be, and not foreseeing 3 stranger murders.
Those who understand the financial process are bullied and accused of being the talking head of Melissa Peacor. What a food fight.
Off to butcher a buck!!!
Robin of Hood, are you the new righter of wrongs?
As I recall from my readings, Sheriff of Nottingham wasn’t a good guy.
Speaking of the last BOCS meeting, what was Wally pontificating about regarding the money from the volunteer fire-fighters? That had nothing to do with the issue at hand that I can tell.
He just wanted to make a little political dig about the IRS. Wally is still on mighty thin ice making any snide comments about the use of tax payer money, if you ask me.
What are Candland and Covington concerned over? Were they concerned over money being ‘taken’ from the fire and rescue? Fire and rescue couldn’t use it now. It was one time money getting ready to carry over. The PD needed one time help. The board was apprised of the situation and they approved it.
Would these esteemed supervisors prefer not to know?
Rather than all the hand wringing over an accounting procedure, how about funding enough in the first place? These departments have to scratch for every damn dime. Then when they have to postpone using money or have obligations beyond what has been allocated, everyone is acting like someone is at fault.
Yes, someone is at fault. 8 someones. The cheapos who NEVER appropriate enough to run the county. The staff is damned if they do, and damned if they don’t.
The problems with PWC operations began ten years ago – mostly the same republican officials and a different CXO. Peacor has made great changes in the three years with the same republican officials, two democrats and one republican who sits in meeting with an earpiece repeating what is fed into his ear by a group of hypocritical political and moral failures with severely limited interests of the community as a whole.
She is far from perfect but neither she nor Mr Nohe are deserving of the vitriol spewed from that group.
Some smart guy said this – Having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.
Wow, Wendy, tell us how you really feel.
I don’t like individuals being singled out for ridicule and derision, regardless. I am going to ponder your spiritual reference.
Think you hit the nail on the head. I like the reference. Very straightforward.
Hey Moon – I continue to be accused of being Donna W by the Sheriff and his following despite my posts (which are never published) saying so. Paranoia will destroy ya… Sorry I can quote the Kinks better than the Bible…..
I can tell you aren’t by your IP number.
@Not Donna!
I got erased over there. I happened to note that we have Prince, Oprah, Cher and Donna.
My little old comment never got published. I am going to start picking them up before I post so I can plant them here if the Howler ladies don’t mind. I rarely get ‘published.’
It just puts an arrow through my heart to see how my merry men an women are treated for speaking the truth.
Self Test for Paranoia: You know you have it when you can’t think of anything that’s your own fault.
~ Author Unknown.
I thought that the Sheriff’s connection to Mr. Candless and his staff was well understood and not particularly in need of being outed.
I respect immensely Moon’s position on this. We can have a good discussion under pseudonyms as long as people focus on content, not identity. Identity is generally irrelevant. Bad behaviour, however, tells us immediately that the content is probably worthless and thus can be safely ignored.
I would be very surprised if PWC paid any graphics designer $13k to provide samples and mockups. Most logo designs are bid on with appropriate work for the recipient to chose from. No one pays some graphic designer unless they are tops in their field to draw up some samples for them.
There is a process.
@Friar Tuck I think your comment got a rise out of the Sheriff……
“Candless” should read “Candland” in my last comment. Sorry about that. Slip of the fingers to a name of a neighbor. He’ll be mighty upset if he thinks I’m talking about him.
“For that matter, I don’t even know that you just typed that last message, George. One of your gkids could have done it.”
Give me a break!
I don’t think anyone REALLY knows who this clown is or it would be out. Lots of guesses and excuses but no proof as far as I can see.
@Friar Tuck
Interesting point but it could have been another “sole source” thing.