Blogging: A higher standard– it’s a matter of principle

A post was made yesterday on Moonhowlings that shamed me into a long over-due response:

The problems with PWC operations began ten years ago – mostly the same republican officials and a different CXO. Peacor has made great changes in the three years with the same republican officials, two democrats and one republican who sits in meeting with an earpiece repeating what is fed into his ear by a group of hypocritical political and moral failures with severely limited interests of the community as a whole.

She is far from perfect but neither she nor Mr Nohe are deserving of the vitriol spewed from that group.

Some smart guy said this – Having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.

I believe we are called upon as human beings to deliver our criticism with a tempered tongue.  The hatefulness and targeting is out of hand. I can only apologize for any welcome hand I once extended to a fellow blogger.  I cannot support any behavior that targets individuals with such cruelty.

Tearing down another  really should have no place in politics or the public arena, regardless of the political goals.  If someone is behaving in a way that people don’t like, it makes the most sense to describe the behavior rather than  demonize the person.  A critic can then back up their point of view with verifiable data and facts rather than spin, inaccuracies and gossip.

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