A gun rights supporter was hit with a stun gun on Tuesday after he heckled the father of a murdered gun violence victim at an anti-gun violence rally, Concord (N.H.) Patch reported.

John Cantin of Manchester, N.H., spoke at a Mayors Against Illegal Guns event in Concord, N.H., discussing his efforts to persuade Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) to change her April “no” vote on gun background checks, Patch reported. Cantin had dealt personally with gun violence, as his daughter, Melissa Charbonneau, was shot and killed by her husband in 2009, according to the Union Leader and the New Hampshire Department Of Justice.

Cantin’s remarks were interrupted by Daniel Musso of Brentwood, N.H. Musso was later charged with disorderly conduct, resisting arrest and two counts of simple assault, police told the Union Leader. Patch added that Musso was held on $5,000 bond, with an arraignment set for June 19.

This crowd depicts mob mentality at its very worst.  I am amazed that these protesters don’t have more respect for free speech than what is shown here.  For heaven’s sake, the man’s daughter was murdered by her husband in 2009.  Where is the respect?  I am not sure that I want people behaving like this owning guns.

14 Thoughts to “2A trumps 1A?”

  1. Lyssa

    Live Free or Die…..

  2. BSinVA

    “The National Drive to Reduce Gun Violence” and “Mayors Against Illegal Guns”… I have to assume that the people screeching and carry tea party flags are for gun violence and illegal guns. I also have to assume that an American citizen has a right to free speech but no expectations of free listening. When one has a valid and supportable position in a debate, then that position should be presented respectfully and cogently in turn. When a valid and supportable position is absent, then one needs to shout, wave flags, be rude, and pick fleas from one another.

    1. @BS


      I enjoyed that.

      Cargo is going to get us over that one.

  3. I felt a disturbance in the force…as if …someone mentioned my name…….

    I agree…. the man tased was rude. Security, after the man went back into the crowd, called the police, who tackled him. He was not resisting and they tased him.

    MAIG is driving around the country spreading propaganda. That list also includes criminals shot by citizens and police, including the older Tsarnaev brother.
    This was basically a political event targeting Ayotte in New Hampshire by out of state gun control supporters.

    MAIG, financed by Bloomberg, attempted straw purchases in Virginia.


    Here’s site with video covering what the man did that deserved tazing.

    Why were the police called again? He went back into the crowd.

  5. All of that said…..

    The better response to the MAIG event there would have been to not show up. No crowd…no news. Of course, there will be a rally when MAIG shows up in Virginia. They are going to Blacksburg.

    I wonder how many more MAIG mayors and employees will be arrested or convicted of crimes before that event. Bloomberg’s bodyguard just got sent up for murder.

  6. Elena

    Women who are trapped in relationships of domestic violence are much more likely to be shot if a gun is in the home. I think Australia is a great example of success. They found the medium fair ground in gun regulation.

    Le’ts just all pray we never find one of our children caught up in gun violence.

  7. Ahh….I just saw the video at the link.

    The man DID act stupidly. The cops took his touching them to be “assault” and thus found a reason to arrest him. Of course, reasonable cops would have just said…”Don’t touch me.”

    After that, yes…he did passively resist. Is that a reason to use tazers? Tazers were issued for self defense, not for forcing compliance.

    I have no problem with him being charged for resisting. The assault charge is BS, but will probably stick. I have a problem with the cops being used at all. The man complied with security and went back into the crowd.

    1. i thought the whole video was confusing but I don’t like the crowd being that hostile to free speech. The father had every right to have his say.

      Not sure how I feel about tazers. Mixed feelings. it beats bullets.

  8. Starryflights

    Gun huggers are a very uncivilized, rude and filthy bunch of animals.

    1. Not all of them are. Some of my favorite folks are gun nuts. Me? I like turquoise and other semi-precious stones. I am sort of a gem nut.

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