Since some of the local blogs have decided to beat the idea of the County Logo to death, I have decided to beat the county seal to death. Why? Just look at it. When was the seal adopted?
Beating the logo to death
At first glance, it appears we have a white hand holding a scale over a marijuana plant. Now there’s a good model for all the kiddies. NOT! Are those scales for weighting out justice or are they for weighing out how much substance?
Actually, it is supposed to be a tobacco plant. I guess that makes it all better. When was tobacco last grown as a crop in Prince William County? Probably a lot longer ago than pot was last grown. How about a nice new county seal if we want something to fight over. County art students could compete and we could all vote on the final selections by mail. One house, one vote. Maybe we could even put it on the ballet for the state elections if we hurried along.
Meanwhile, the pot/tobacco plant needs to go. How about a logo that includes the battlefield? That is surely our biggest tourist attraction. putting the Bobbitts on the seal would just not be appropriate!
Does this seal seem inappropriate to you all or is it just me? Any ideas on another seal? Is the logo being beaten to death? Why is Pete Candland leading the charge of tilting at this windmill rather than John Jenkins who is the person who really voiced his opposition to the blue logo in the first place? Perhaps their efforts would be better spent replacing our pot plant county seal.
I just popped over to TSoN to read the latest attempt to stir up their little group of cowards. I had to laugh. It was a long thread of “anonymous” commenting on other “anonymous” comments, agreeing with “anonymous” and saying “yeah us”. The biggest laugh will be when all of those “anonymous” “birdies” are exposed. Don’t they know that the only conspiracy that can succeed is a “conspiracy of one”? One of the main instigators should know from personal experience there is no honor amongst thieves. Yes, some birdies are talking to their cellmates, but who are the cellmates talking to? Maybe trying to cut a deal?
I don’t allow posts from anyone named ‘anonymous.’ It all looks like the same person.
I would be very worried if posting from a county computer. Those folks are asking to be fired.
The county tells you that they can read and sometimes do read emails. I always believed them and kept the topic to the acceptable use policy.
Based on what’s actually happening at McCoart and the timing of information release its clear where the birdies are. Once it goes to one of the big eight, it hits the blog. Been tracking that for some time now. Check out staffers….
Welcome Honey Bee.
That has been apparent since the Horan letter was leaked.
Shame on one of the 8 for hiding behind a wall of anonymity.
Well, I do know if you try to post an explanation of the issue or disagree you’re called names. They’re really not interested in improving PWC unless you commit to being horrible about county staff. But it’s interesting watching the supervisors be controlled by an angry man. He’s too righteous for me – smacks of hiding wrongdoing.
Yes, it shows who has nads and who doesn’t. I have been disappointed in several of the 8 for being cowards–ones I have defended in the past.
I have had several people accuse me of being on this person’s side or that person’s side. Oddly enough, I am not on any of the staff’s side. I just don’t like gotcha games and I feel that governance based on character assassination from anonymous bloggers is just poor governance. It lacks …oh…let’s see…the tranparency they boast about. The people who are buying in to all that are simply cowards. They think I don’t know who some of them are, but I do.
Exactamundo. Like most criminals there is the fatal flaw or mistake. That was it. Then it’s just a matter of photos on the wall with strings connecting the actions, timing and players!
But the sheer audacity of some people to play themselves out as good while lying through their teeth. Then again criminals or those that end up in prison are usually either plain stupid or arrogant.
Moon, to answer one of your questions, this current seal was created in 1935 so at that time, tobacco was still grown. I would imagine it was still grown around the County into the 1980s before tobacco was no longer the cash crop it once was.
And what is interesting is the Virgina Code gives the local government the power to change the Official Seal anytime it wants to – no having General Assembly action needed.
I chuckle though everytime someone says the tobacco plants look like “Mary Jane” – nope, not quite. MJ is a lot more narrow and pointier because of the serrated edges. Of course, if one only saw MJ in her chopped form, I suppose thinking the leaves are all the same is appropriate 🙂
Well perhaps a little more narrow and pointier. That picture looks as much like Mary Jane as it does tobacco.
I can honestly say I have never seen tobacco grown in the county. I have seen Mary Jane in some strange places in both the county and the city. Weirdest place was in an attic under grow lights.
Who did draw that county seal?
Time for a new one.
Arlington County has used Arlington House as a part of their seal and they have incorporated it into a modernized logo. I wonder if PWC could use the Stone House or perhaps the old court house as a part of the seal. The seal is here:
The new logo is here in the upper left hand corner:
Images of marijuana are here:
Tobacco plant here:
Much different.
So the plant in the seal looks like which one? Neither?
I suppose the only place that maybe has the history of PWC Seal is over at RELIC. Mr. Jenkins a couple of weeks back when the “stop use” order was discussed did a great history of the times it was changed. All I could find online was this seal was the one created in 1935. Kinda curious – and might stop over at RELIC someday – to see what the pre-1935 Seal (or seals) looked like.
I agree with George on using the Old Court House since that is a highly recognizable building over even using the Brentsville Court House. Here in Manassas about a year ago, they looked at modernizing the City Seal to replace the current one which shows the Old Town Hall. Several years back, the Seal showing the copula on the Town Hall was the drive to restore the copula that was missing on the Old Town Hall. The proposed new Seal was a “cut down” only showing the copula….and had different colors. Council decided to leave the Seal alone to reflect the motto that the City is “rich in history”.