I will not be a sore winner!
I will not be a sore winner!
I will not be a sore winner!
That is my version of clicking me heels three times and not ending up in Oz.
I don’t feel like thanking everyone for running. They all ran for some sort of self-aggrandizement. There was a lot of ego involved.
I don’t feel like saying good race to anyone. All of the races were obnoxious and I grew tired of the stuffed mailbox and the stupid phone calls.
I never want to see another political ad.
Now that’s out of my system, I have a lot of things to say. My favorite candidate didn’t win. Sorry Mark Herring. I liked you.
Terry McAuliffe, I hope you do well. You got the “Thank goodness you aren’t Cuccinelli vote. ” Don’t let us down. The bar is low. ABC.
Ken Cuccinelli, please don’t blame anyone but yourself. Also, the Virginia election was not a referendum on Obamacare. Not even close. That was your problem. You took federal issues and tried to Virginia-ize them. We Virginians wanted to know what plans you had for Virginia, not the federal government over which you have no control.
Ken Cuccinelli, this is 2013. Women aren’t going to allow you to throw them back into the early part of the 20th century. We won’t let it happen.
Ralph Northam, You were elected to be the tie breaker. Don’t forget to dance with the ones who brung ya.
I don’t know who all won delegate races. I would have been happy to throw most of the incumbents out. (maybe all) They all have pack mentality and don’t seem to think for themselves. At least one has been served notice that his time has come.
I find it interesting that many of the people who contribute to the blog who are the strongest states rights people had very little to say about the state election.
Winners, please see to it that Virginia isn’t the butt of all the jokes on the late night comedy shows. Give some other state a turn.
one more thing–to the BOCS:
The eyes of a nation were on this county. We still looked sort of bo-hick even in the glaze and glitz of being the “Bellwhether County.”
There is crummy support for our resources. All the major national news outlets were focused on PWC and we’re still
bumpkins. Why? Because Corey wanted to run for governor by shooing illegal aliens from PWC and pillaging county government. We still have failing infrastructure and not enough resources, state of the art technology and bodies to get the job done. We have supervisors who compete with each other as to who can be the cheapest. Cheapest isn’t always best. Check out the crime report sometime for some real staggering facts.
Now I am going to bed. Today was exhausting and tonight I nearly became unglued.
I figured that the race for governor would be closer than the polls indicated, but I didn’t think it would be THAT close. I’m guessing that a lot more hard-core right-wingers came out than expected.
Overall, I’m proud of our state voters. Virginia has progressed from the “bad old days” of segregation and repression of various groups to promoting a business AND environmentally-friendly setting for all Virginians to prosper.
I’m no big fan of McAuliffe, but he WILL be better for economic and educational development while leaving the divisive social and national issues alone.
Btw- the Virginia, Alabama and New Jersey contests SHOULD be a lesson for the GOP, but I doubt they’ll take advantage of it.
The lesson is that you can be a conservative candidate without trying to ram extremist “principles” down everyone else’s throats. If your views only represent 20% of the population and you refuse to compromise with the other 80%, you MIGHT lose!!
Good morning, Virginia!!!
I read that single women voted 67% for McAullife and 25% for Cooch. I’m glad we have smart women in the Commonwealth. I hope this sent a strong message to the R’s that people are NOT willing to continue to have extremists run the state. I truly can NOT stop laughing, I loved those Cooch crocodile tears.
I agree with all your points. Bravo, Middleman!
I am now going to work on McAuliffe growing on me.
I agree about the strong message. The anti woman legislation has been over the top. I don’t even think some people see it as anti woman.
Listen up dudes, when you pass legislation that assumes women cannot make their own morally appropriate personal decisions, it IS anti woman!
I can’t stop SMILING!!! Kenny got what he deserved sent home. Sadly, home is now our county.
Women also don’t want to be raped by the state via vag. ultra sound.
I didn’t vote for Cuccinelli, but it embarrasses me to think that women were swayed over some specter of a bogeyman stealing into their homes and taking away their birth control. If that’s the only reason they voted for the Democrat, then we really haven’t come very far as a gender. Yet that’s what I kept hearing in the ads and in quotes from women on the news over the past couple of weeks, over and over, that Cuccinelli wanted to take away their birth control. False, and so low-information it almost made me cry for my own gender.
Christie is an example of a politician elected to office who actually governs. Party affiliation was not a factor for those voters. That’s a lesson for voters. Someone recently mentioned the Republican senate candidate didn’t have a prayer in NJ because he was a republican. Looking at party affiliation in several states it surprising how many are registered independent. Party seems to matter more to talk show hosts and those clinging to social arguments they won’t win. NJ also points out that most voters are not single issue voters.
Cuccinelli couldn’t even be a gracious loser. His concession speech last night was pathetic and still talked about the referendum on the ACA–he just never got the message. Now it will be interesting to see if McAuliffe can undo some of the draconian measures Cuccinelli and the Republicans did to women’s health issues. the Anderson-Heddleston race in the 51st district showed what charm can do. Rich Anderson, who is a Teapublican dressed in sheep’s clothing, smiles, gripped and grinned his way to another win. He was everywhere and despite his almost straight Republican voting record, he won over Reed Heddleston who was just not dynamic. No oomph despite the fact he was a fighter pilot in the Air Force. As to the rest–we will just have to see. Women have show the power of their vote and I surely hope they can keep up this head of steam and we move on to the next round.
I don’t believe that the majority of women are single issue voters. We’re just not wired that way.
Men appear to be more single issue voters and appear to be more threatened by social issues than women.
“while leaving the divisive social and national issues alone.”
Oh…you really believe that.
He’s already stated that he’s going to expand Obamacare and gun control. That’s just for starters. As for business….. yep…. Global Crossing II, here we come.
And if the Democrats hadn’t funded the “Libertarian,” we’d be saying Gov. Cooch.
I blame Republicans for Gov MCAulliffe. Let’s go with a primary next time.
Yep. I agree.
If you support the Tea Party, you will lose. Since that is a truism, the Democrats no longer need to flood states with out of state money, lie about conservative positions, and fund a third party candidate to win by only 55000+ votes. No need to go to extraordinary measures to beat them. Nothing to see here.
I am so sorry your candidates keep losing. It must be really hard to keep coming up with lame excuses as to why it happens.
The business community supported McAuliffe. In that respect he is more centrist republican than he is progressive democrat.
He said he would expand Medicaid. Good. Cheaper for us in the long run. Gun Control? Good, most of us want universal background checks. However, that has to go through the legislature, doesn’t it? He isn’t magically the king.
Do calm down, your tea-hadist word hasn’t come to a screeching halt yet.
More conspiracy theory. Do you really think that or do you just like to read what you wrote.
That is silly.
If you can’t be objective about what went wrong for your party, how do you think you can fix it? Do want to always lose? The math just isn’t going to work. Most people don’t think like you do. Your candidate can’t be pure. Your candidate will have to appeal to at least a majority of other people.
If business had supported Cuccinelli, Koch Bros would have flooded his campaign.
Maybe he will move. Do you think he will set up a law practice here in PWC?
You can run in to him at the courthouse.
There was no lame excuse. That is what happened.
When McAuliffe expands Medicaid and the budget starts crashing because of it…I will laugh.
Universal background checks? We have background checks. His gun control idea go MUCH further.
I’m perfectly fine. If the majority of Virginians want to elect a scam artist like McAuliffe…. that’s on them. And when the scandals start…and they will….I will point and laugh.
What went wrong? McDonnell was stupid with the ultrasound. Women freaked out about a fake “war on women.” Cuccinelli was outspent by almost 2x. The “shutdown” was linked to Cuccinelli through Democrat PR. The Democrats funded a fake “Libertarian.” Cuccinelli didn’t get out the vote. He had his own problems….and yet….even with all that….it was really close until Fairfax overwhelmed his lead.
You do realize that Cuccinelli only lost by about 55-56 thousand votes…right? Even with this full court press against him. So… your math isn’t all that cut and dried.
55,000 votes in a state race? Works for me. Have you now invented a new mathematical system to ‘weaken’ McAuliffe? None of us who have been around for a while was puffed up by the poll numbers. We know better. I can also tell you now that the McAuliffe people weren’t fooled by them either and I have known this for weeks. If they could have squelched the contast poll reporting they would have done it. Those kinds of reports give squishy voters a false sense of security and an excuse to think their vote really doesn’t matter anyway.
I don’t know why you would laugh and point like a hyena. I certainly don’t do that when things go bad in my state, regardless of who causes them. Perhaps that is because I am a native Virginian. I also don’t want McDonnell indicted or removed from office. It hurts the state. Perhaps you feel that sort of protectiveness over Louisiana.
Fake war on women….think what you want. You will not win so I don’t care what you think. You probably have no freaking clue what I am talking about when I start talking about the economics of the situation. Keep thinking its fake. Keep thinking we are freaking out. No freaking out here. I have been on a slow steady course since before the age of majority to make damn certain that neither I nor my daughters nor granddaughters are subject to anything less than full citizenship with all the opportunities afforded citizenship. We can’t do that unless we are in full control of our own reproduction. I have seen the alternative. It isn’t pretty.
Cucinelli was a bad candidate. He lost. He shouldn’t have butt in line.
Perhaps you need to rethink this teahadist business. It’s no longer trending. They looked like thugs at those town hall meetings in 09, in 10, and that continues up unto today.
Unfortunately, ideology comes as a package deal. It’s rarely one issue.
As far as reproductive rights go, they aren’t just about abortion. To me, it’s about economics, autonomy, and I know I have repeated it a hundred times in the past month, but until you can control your own reproduction, you have no real political or economic power.
How many people on this blog have been unable to go to the college of their choice because of their gender?
If you can answer yes, that has happened to you, then you understand what I am talking about.
It becomes a BFD if you graduate and the job offered to you by that major company is in the secretarial pool.
I think the republicans are going to have to stop with the conventions. Look what they get each and every time.
I like the open primary. I never try to jam it when I do vote republican. I always try to chose the best candidate….the one I feel I could live with. Thinking back…Harry Parrish, Martha Hendley…
Yep….too bad those business think that hooking up with McAuliffe for cronyism is more popular. Soros is probably right in there if you think that the Kochs would be involved.
Even now, TEA party republicans still don’t get it. They will continue to doom their party to second tier status if they can’t understand that social issues and just saying no to forward thinking solutions is a winner for them.
What is their solution in lieu of the ACA? Nothing. That isn’t going to get you votes. Too many people have been beholden to either crappy insurance or no insurance. I happen to like ours, we always chose the most comprehensive plan because we HAD to. Nothing has changed for us. I know that isn’t the case for everyone, but change is hard, and this required more of an overhaul than it was given in my opinion.
Choice did matter in this election. I know, given the draconian behavior of the R’s, many moderate republicans I know voted D because that was the final straw for them. Not the only straw, simply the final straw. That and TEA party stupidity regarding the shut down.
Cooch was just a bad candidate for Gov. He never had the advantage. The convention was a mistake as that allowed the party to pick a candidate that may have been what the conventioneers wanted, but not what the rest of the Commonwealth wanted.
McAuliffe – another bad candidate who benefited from the anti-Cooch electorate.
I am eading less of cargo’s posts … but this jumped out at me …
“When McAuliffe expands Medicaid and the budget starts crashing because of it…I will laugh.”
That’s exactly why people are taking a dislike to Tea Party types. You’re actually rooting for failure, or at least amused by it. Politics and phony ideology is more important to you than real things.
I agree with Rick. I think most of us want the best for our community, state, and country. To wish for otherwise is unconscionable.
We all might have different ideas about how to achieve the best, but certainly failure hurts everyone.
People are totally fed up with the tea party. I think flash in the pan says it all.
“What is their solution in lieu of the ACA? Nothing. That isn’t going to get you votes.”
Scarily, eerily, it DOES get them a sizeable chunk of votes. Not enough to win nationwide elections, but just bashing on liberals does get them 40% of America in their hip pocket. What they have to confront in the coming years is that it alienates black voters and many female voters, and is a sure formula for loss.
There is no love fest with Hispanic voters either.
It’s a little too late for them to stop reflexively bashing Obama and broadcasting it 24X7 on their news channel, but it does insure a heavy black vote that is 90%+ Democrat.
It’s a little too late for them to stop behaving petulantly abd broadcasting it 24X7 on their news channel. And a little too late for them to extricate themselves from the pro-life/anti-choice position. But it does insure that women are going to favor the democrats by some margin.
Unless they can pass some kind of resolution to the effect that only white men get to vote, the Republicans won’t be tasting the white house any time soon.
@Cargo – Can you ever discuss an issue without firing a knee jerk shot back? It’s like schoolyard behaviour. Good grief. Cuccinelli lost McAulliffe won -I’m not sure what the outcome is for Virginia. It was a stupid move for the Republicans to go with the convention. They shot themselves in the foot. Republicans failed because of republicans.
It sounds like you vote by party regardless and then think everyone else is nuts. Rush should be on shortly.
Cuccinelli got his butt kicked yesterday. Haha! Told you so!
Emma, apparently Cuccinelli wrote a book, and repeatedly refers to the need for health insurance companies to cover birth control as preventive care as “the sterilization mandate”? And suggests that we need people willing to go to jail to fight against health insurance companies paying for birth control? Sounds pretty extreme to me. Sounds pretty wacky. Not the kind of agenda I want in a Governor.
@Emma, its a short cut. I don’t think for one minute that Cuccinelli would have been stupid enough to want to outlaw birth control, regardless of his personal beliefs. (although I was a grown woman when Griswold v Connecticut was decided.)
That all stems out of those personhood amendments that declare live beginning at fertilization. Since some chemical birth control and the IUD prevent implantation, should such a law pass, it could make those forms of birth control illegal.
Some people might scoff at that notion. You are right, it does sound ridiculous. But…I first read of it as a plan on one of the extreme far right right to life websites. It was the plan to not only do away with abortion but also with contraception. It sounds to me like the Handmaid’s Tale but I have learned to always look at the unintended consequences and never to assume it couldn’t happen just because it is too far fetched.
I believe American Life League might support that notion also. We have a delegate who represents that organization. Knowing that, I leave nothing for chance.
@Starry flights
Now Starry, don’t be a sore winner.
Maybe he will surprise us. I hope so.
I have to say, I can’t imagine what McAulliffe will do for four years except work on the 2016 Pres election. Do you think he knows where the Governors mansion is? It’s kind of tucked behind the capitol.
I hope you’re right Moon.
Hopefully, Hillary will find herself another campaign manager. I think Terry has served his time.
I hope I am right also.
2.5% is getting your butt kicked? Oy veh… I suppose Obenshain is kicking Herrings butt right now was well, right?
Can anyone explain this? I’m clueless…
Cargo, Cargo- you should really get to know my old friend, reality. it might help you to establish a relationship with him (her?).
Sensible gun control isn’t a divisive social issue- the majority of Americans want it. And it has nothing to do with the 2nd Amendment-it’s good government.
By the expansion of Obamacare, I assume you mean the expansion of Medicare to those in need that’s fully funded by the Federal Government under the ACA. McAuliffe’d be an idiot (and cold-hearted) NOT to do it.
As I said, I’m no big fan of McAuliffe, but we’re in better shape today than if the election had gone the other way.
Completely agree except you made my frequent mistake and said meidcare when you meant Medicaid. I do that all the time.
Most Americans do want sensible gun control. Sensible as we, the ones who want it, define ‘sensible.’
I also want some serious reform with mental health issues as in those who load up these weapons and go blow away 25 people.
Why do you expect the Republicans, much less the TP, to just repeat the Democrat idea, only different.
85% of America loved their insurance. Now..its being taken away, along with jobs.
We already have “sensible” gun control. And it has EVERYTHING with the right to keep and bear arms.
52+% of the voters voted against McAuliffe, 6% of it going to the fake Libertarian.
If the Republicans had been more interested in keeping Virginia instead of beating on the Tea Party, we would have won this one……the RNC only spent 1/3, if that, of what they spent on the last race. Yep….Cuccinelli lost…but it wasn’t only due to his Tea Party connections. Lack of support from his supposed allies helped.
The Republican National Committee spent three times as much in 2009 on the same race as they did this year.
The Chamber of Commerce spent one million dollars in the last Governor’s race, and not one dime on Cuccinelli.
While it’s often claimed that Tea Party candidates do poorly among independents, Cuccinelli actually won independents by 9 points, 47 percent to 38 percent.
“McAuliffe outraised Cuccinelli by almost $15 million,” and in the last weeks of the campaign, this left Cuccinelli with nearly no media exposure.
Even Politico wonders if Cuccinelli was beginning to turn the tide against the “War on Women” narrative, as he drove down McAuliffe’s lead among women from 24% in polling to 9%.
I have to seriously question your statement that 85% of Americans love their insurance. 85% of Americans don’t even have insurance.
I have always had it but I never loved it. They were always trying to find a way to screw you.
Frankly, I don’t see or understand these disgruntled people not holding the companies responsible for some of the obamacare debacle. Those skunks are still gouging.
Apparently none of the complainers (and they might have a valid complaint) ever had an insurance challenge. That would get them over the love fest real fast.
@Lyssa “Do you think he knows where the Governors mansion is?”
That’s what we got with Tim Kaine. Obama and his party first, the Commonwealth somewhere after that.
If you are worried about a Democrat putting Virginia second, why didn’t you vote for Cooch? A vote for anyone else was essentially a vote for Macauliffe, so it was “conservatives” like you that threw the race.
You shouldn’t complain about Macauliffe, because you helped elect him.
McAuliffe isn’t pure progressive. He is far too business friendly for the liberals and conservatives.
Conservatives threw themselves under the bus. They just can’t leave the guns, gays, gynecology and God out of politics. Other than guns, perhaps, the other issues are artificial detractors.
Did an off-the-cuff remark about immigration policy help swing the race? http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/virginia-politics/latino-voters-say-health-care-controversial-remark-spur-them-to-turn-out-for-mcauliffe/2013/11/05/a942c4bc-462b-11e3-a196-3544a03c2351_story.html
Cuccinelli’s remarks are here – the hard-to-explain immigration remark is at the end – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_OQdJ3O2Ug
That was rather obvious code, especially since there is no such thing as a rat family on the books. hmmmm…I wonder what he was talking about.
Any conservatives wonder why he lost the race. He was very much involved in the anti immigration movement here locally. I believe he still lived in Fairfax at the time, so his presence was political.
It should be noted, too that Cuccinelli had the law wrong – http://dcist.com/2012/01/_cuccinelli_well_i_saw.php .
Ha ha! I had forgotten about the boob and the commonwealth’s seal!
85% of America loved their insurance. Now..its being taken away, along with jobs.
Totally not a fact. What a pile of made up crap.
The Republican National Committee spent three times as much in 2009 on the same race as they did this year.
The Chamber of Commerce spent one million dollars in the last Governor’s race, and not one dime on Cuccinelli.
I have to laugh at that comment, as with all the unlimited money coming into PAC funds – you are one of the big supporters of people being able to donate an unlimited amount of money and pretend that it does not make a difference.
That’s the argument made every time a third party candidate runs. How do you expect third parties to gain traction if they don’t start somewhere?
@Kelly_3406 “You shouldn’t complain about Macauliffe, because you helped elect him.”
I complain about every politician, whether I voted for him/her or not, so what’s your point?
Those who vote get to complain. Those who don’t vote …not so much.
@Censored bybvbl Exactly my reasoning yesterday.
@Censored bybvbl
I would be very supportive of the Green Party as a viable alternative.
Some of those folks are nuttier than what we are dealing with. I remember what’s his name…we ended up with 8 years of bush. Ralph Nader.
The war has just begun. And your Great Leader, beset by the exposure of his administration’s incompetence, lies, and deceit with regard to ACA, IRS, Benghazi, et al, has fallen to 39% in the esteem of The People. A truly lamed duck, so to speak. In yesterday’s Virginia match, you thought you were favored by a couple of touchdowns, aided by a stalking horse secretly in your pay; but you wound up barely squeaking by with a field goal in O/T. And the House remains overwhelmingly in the hands of your foe. Hardly cause for dance and merriment.
Did someone stop by to troll? Sounds like it. Nanny Nanny Boo Boo. Ok, you sure got us Wolverine. Actually those 55,000 votes are our imagination and Cooch won and will be living in the governor’s mansion. Silly us.
I have seen no victory dances here–just discussion. Obviously, you just want to start up something. Your behavior is exactly the reason many independents and yes, even mainstream Republicans and Democrats are sick and tired of the tea party types and their politics. You can’t elect anyone yourself because you don’t have the numbers, so you just swipe and cackle from the sidelines.
Just a little word to the wise from a household where a member was involved with a campaign–the McAuliffe campaign never thought those poll numbers were real. My husband came home from his volunteer work and talked about it every time he went over to do work. They weren’t leaving it all to chance. That’s living on a false sense of security which you are obviously doing. Just waiting for the tea party president to get elected…… It won’t happen because too many Americans think that most of them are full of it.
Health insurance policy cancellation, anyone?