Colorado legalizes marijuana–world hasn’t ended

So now Colorado has legalized pot for recreational use and the world hasn’t come to an end, what is next? Does this action end the war on drugs? Is the entire state going to pot? Will other states follow suit?

Where does Colorado stand since marijuana possession is against federal law? Will the feds swoop in and go after folks even though Colorado has legalized pot?  It doesn’t sound like the rules are strict.

What benefits do the states get?

Entire segment on marijuana here.

Social Security benefit increases 1.5% for 2014

From the website:

Monthly Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits for nearly  63 million Americans will increase 1.5 percent in 2014, the Social Security  Administration announced today.

The 1.5 percent cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) will begin with benefits  that more than 57 million Social Security beneficiaries receive in January 2014.   Increased payments to more than 8 million SSI beneficiaries will begin on  December 31, 2013.

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