Mrs. Widawski has addressed a problem I have been concerned about for a long time–cyber bullying on blogs. I am tired of reading the invectives of people named ‘Anonymous’ who hurl insults, mimic, degrade, belittle, ridicule, and yes, lie about private citizens, elected officials and municipal employees.
If Supervisor Candland is involved in this behavior in any way, he needs to stop. If he knows who is responsible, he needs to put a stop to it. He is who profits from the attacks on everyone else while his fan club sings his praises.
This is not the first time Elena and I have spoken about this issue. It is fine to disagree with policy, It is fine to take on our elected officials when we disagree. It is not fine to attack people and their families. There is no reason to make it personal or to name call. This standard of behavior is even more important when we speak of county employees. They are not elected and ultimately aren’t in a political decision-making position.