Open thread……………………………………Sunday, February 16

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAGetting a little tired of those snowy woods.  How about some snowy crocuses?

This time last year I had daffodils blooming.   This year I have the leaves but no blooms so far.

Will it ever warm up?  In 2014, spring begins with the vernal equinox on March 20 at 12:57 P.M. EDT.  Note that day light saving time will have started (March 9).  Spring is still a little more than a month away.  Even then, we could still get a blizzard.

However, the end of the week supposedly will get up to 60 degrees.  Call in sick early.  Avoid the rush.  Make a dentist appointment and cancel it.  Do whatever you have to do to seize the day.