A line in the sand in the Ukraine?

Smoke rises above burning barricades at Independence Square
Smoke rises above burning barricades at Independence Square

Kiev burns.  Over 70 civilians killed yesterday.  The video footage reminds us of Hungary and Czechoslovakia  back in the 50’s.  Kiev is a modern, fairly western city.  What do these protestors want? For starters, they don’t want to be killed by their government.
They want their monetary system to be more westernized.  What’s the problem?  Putin’s puppet,  Viktor Yanukovych,  wants to hold the Ukrainians  down and under the yoke of the thug Putin.  Fuel is expensive.  Food is expensive.  Housing is expensive.

Many countries who were under former Soviet rule have been plagues by high inflation and an unstable economic system.  The bottom line is, many are willing to die for economic freedom for their country.

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