Budget time is always a contentious time of year.  This year was particularly awful.  It didn’t have to be that way.  The county tax rate was set at $1.148.  It probably should have been much higher to start bringing some of our deficiencies like class size and first responders into line.  But it wasn’t.  We should be glad that it is as high as it is.  The schools are still short several million dollars.

I am not sure why the notion that officials  need to “cut spending” is so popular amongst some people.  I live in this area because I want better than average services.  I hate tea party mentality.  I also don’t feel that I am over taxed.   “Cut spending” is a bumper sticker slogan.  Prince William has been so lean for so many years, “cut spending” just sounds stupid.

What particularly peeved me this time is the number of people who live in far more expensive houses than mine who whined about taxes and then tried to do it on MY behalf.  In fact, my neighborhood was cited by name.  For starters, it isn’t a poor neighborhood.  It is an older neighborhood.  There is a huge difference.  A lot of people who live near me have grown children.   We aren’t utilizing the schools.  We do want fast response time if we need the police, fire or rescue.  We want our streets maintained, swept, and the weeds killed that are growing out of the cracks in the road and sidewalks.  We want adequate lighting.  There are no street lights in my community.


So why are the McMansions whining on my behalf?  I am not the one bitching about my taxes.  Perhaps they went up 20 bucks as a result of this budget.  I doubt if they went up that much.

People who don’t want to pay taxes that support a county like Prince William really need to move to more rural counties that have fewer services.  They need to sell their big houses and relocate.  They especially don’t need to condescendingly “worry” about the poor people who live closer to town.  Of course, this concern doesn’t seem to stop them from wanting a new library.  Why should I fork over my hard-earned tax dollars for someone else to have a library?  I can afford (even though I am on a fixed income) to drive to my local library, a mile away, or purchase books.

Why?  I like spreading literacy.  Literacy is a good thing and it isn’t all about me.  It might cost me a few more dollars a month but that’s OK.  I also don’t sit around the kitchen table with my family deciding how I am going to spend the family money.  How hokey.  The adults make those decisions.

Prince William County has been bare bones for about 5 years now.  I know that county employees often to the work of three people.  I know they no longer get a supplemental retirement in the form of a 401(a) and they pay their own share of VRS.  Many haven’t had much of a raise in longer than that, yet they are subjected to more work and less respect on a daily basis.  If that isn’t enough, they are often attacked on local blogs.

Why don’t people run for office?  Most people don’t want to subject themselves or their families to the nastiness and ridicule  that happen to some of  our public officials on a daily basis.  They also have feelings and families.  The nastiness and character assassination goes far beyond a difference of opinion on policy.

A big thank you goes out to Supervisors Caddigan, Covington,  Jenkins, Nohe, Principi, and Stewart for valuing our safety, education and quality of life.  No, you didn’t all agree but you realize the value of compromise and coalition building.  A huge thank you also goes out to county staff who worked diligently for months to get us where we are today.  Some of you are still working the graveyard shift to accommodating one supervisor in particular who simply hasn’t learned basic manners and how to treat employees.  Thanks also to the representatives from PWEA and PWAFT for always being there, week after week, to remind the board, and the public, what was at stake.  Your diligence did not go unnoticed.

My vision for the future year is for a new tone of respect to take place in Prince William County government.  I expect our employees to be treated respectfully and not called out to be grilled like errant school children.  They have a tough job but they are also accountable.  There are ways to address this accountability–adult to adult.  All of us must demand that standard be adhered to.

21 Thoughts to “Tea Party mentality vanquished by the BOCS 2014”

  1. Confused

    A new tone of respect would be a breath of fresh air. Perhaps it would encourage more people to run for office and raise the level of discourse in the county.

    1. I would welcome it. I will continue to address it as I see it. I used to ignore it for the most part. No more. If I do, call me on it please!

  2. Pat.Herve

    It is a race to the bottom. And I do not know why. Obstructionism is not governing. And many of these people flip flop depending on the audience and their need of the day. Look at Congressman Grimm – just indicted – he was originally backed by the Tea Party – he is now under indictment for paying workers in cash (ie, not paying taxes), hiding income and hiring illegal aliens. Nice.

    How much in HOA dues and CC club fees are these same whiners paying in Dominion Valley and Piedmont – but I guess that is ok because it is voluntary.

    1. There has been more flip flopping than a dying fish on a trawler deck in this county. However, I am going to reward good behavior with positive comments as I see it. We aren’t all going to agree all the time. I know what I think should be happening locally and those who try to make it happen will have nice things said about them. I never thought I would be a Corey groupie and here I am giving him accolades. I saw him doing the right thing, time and time again. Maybe he outgrew some of the things I found offensive in the past. I tend to be situational rather than having one continual atta boy.

      I will always chew the living, breathing hell out of those who are rude and nasty to county employees.

      Finally, I am unforgiving if I am lied to. Those who have lied to me know who you are.

  3. The Revenue Stabilization Fund needed to be spent down. There was a surplus. What better way to “return to the people” than to give them new parks and libraries?

    Still some folks bitch and whine and attack. Last year Candland and his minions were up in arms about how much was in the RSR. They said it should go back to the citizens.

    When the county took the $5M out due to the error this same group was furious. When more surplus is used to offset new revenue, this same group is furious. Which is it?

    Surely they don’t think everyone is going to get a check back for $4.37? What a waste of time.

    Supervisors Principi and Caddigan questioned this move? Think back.

  4. Lyssa

    I think you insulted the Tea Party.

    1. Boo effen Hoo

      Do you think they hate me? [quizical look]

  5. Scout

    At some point, even the kind of pols that we get at the county level (not all of them, but some of them) run out of gas on the sloganeering, buzzwords, mob incitement, etc. and realize that they have to start governing. It looks like Stewart has finally exhausted his imagination about the marketing tricks that might propel him to higher office and has faced up to the fact that he has a job to do. Candland isn’t there yet, it seems.

    1. Very observant, Scout. The difference in maturity is glaring.

      As an aside, those with a short memory need to know that I very much was a critic of Stewart. I am seeing better things from him now and I will continue to say so as long as I see them.

      Candland has been obviously running for office since he first got on the board. I think he needed to learn governance and how to get along with others first.

      You quickly become nothing more than a gadfly if you don’t coalition-build. The power is in 5, not 1, in this county.

  6. Sean

    Can not wait till Ernie Porta jumps in the ring for Chairman

  7. Sean

    Can not wait till Ernie Porta jumps in the ring for Chairman

    1. Hopefully, Corey will continue on the right course. We have a ways to go before we get down to the R vs D stage of things. Ernie hasn’t announced has he?

  8. Confused

    As far as I know, nobody has announced for Chairman yet, just Brentsville.

  9. Does anyone find it odd that Supervisor Jenkins’ letter, cc’ed to the other supervisors, ended up on a local blog? Now do we want to take educated guesses as to how a copy of his letter got leaked?

    When are the people of this county going to get tired of ‘county employees’ leaking information? Encouraging people to carry tales out of work is just bad business. Real bad business.

  10. middleman

    It is SO much fun to see tea party Corey have to defend government spending.

    I still think Candland provides a valuable service as a check on the “we’ve always done it this way” thinking.

    It IS disgusting the way these guys play chess with ballfields and libraries. If they would all work as hard to diversify this economy and make development pay for itself as they dohammering each other they wouldn’t have to make idiots of themselves.

    1. He could serve in that respect. However, he is far too close with a blog that is obviously receiving insider information. He was far too close to that blog’s forerunner. There is a direct link between the first blog and members of his staff.

      To me, that is just bad governance.

      In fairness, I had a similar issue with the chairman a few years back. Too close to really negative blog behavior.

      I have since seen major improvement there. As long as I see non-tea party mentality from the chairman, I will exercise my right to believe in second chances. I am living out believing in second chances now. I might as well include those I have tortured in the past. 🙄

      Hopefully Pete will clean up his act and stop pretending. If and when that happens, I will start finding some things to compliment him on also.

      I speak for myself, not the blog in the above statement.

    2. Speaking of parks, I agree about the chess games with parks. I am furious that Pete didn’t put in a request for Silver Lake when Corey directed them to send in requests. Silver Lake is the arm pit of PWC rather than the gem. The master plan has not been funded or discussed since the BOCS refused to let Bull Run Conservancy take it over. You can barely get back to it the road is in such ill-repair.

      Silver Lake needs about a cool million dumped into it for it to even be presentable. I would like to reopen negotiations with BRMC and let them take it over. PWC has been a bad steward of its resources where this park is concerned.

  11. Ray Beverage

    I agree with Confused there should be a new tone of respect; and with Pat on a race to the bottom. Andy Harrover here in the City will not be running for reelection to the Council in November, and you can see why on his two blog entries over at My Side of the Fence.

    Basically, he chose not to run as the idealogues would rather cut in response to a minority, than stand fast and do what is best for the City…even if it means for a couple of years, the tax rate is a little higher. Great vision is not allowed, me thinks, in this City.

    I personally believe the BEST example of a Local Government Board/Council doing what is best for their people is the Manassas Park Governing Body. A City where there was massive debt has worked to get out of it; focused on their Schools (an appointed Board versus elected) as they realize that is what will attract homeowners; and now is working on their Economic Development Plan. If you ever watch their meeting, MP is all business with one thing in mind by the elected – do right for the City.

    1. Their schools have gotten high accolades for the past decade it seems.

      Thanks for your contribution. I will go check out Andy’s second blog entry. I read the first. I am disappointed he won’t be continuing in an official leadership role. Andy has a lot of class.

  12. middleman

    I agree completely on Silver Lake, Moon. Sticking that school on the property didn’t help anything either!

    1. Totally agree. I just don’t think middle schools are conducive to rest and relaxation. In fact, let’s just call it an oxymoron.

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