Cuccinelli on the Daily Show, hawking gun insurance

Gun insurance? What a clever idea. Good money maker for the Cooch also. Maybe all gun owners in Virginia should have gun insurance. It should pay for trials and have a little liability in there for the victims so they can heal or get buried.

Is this insurance part of home-owners?  What do renters do?

What does the State Corporation Commission have to say about all this?
People’s ingenuity never ceases to amaze me.

Open Thread………………………………………..Thursday, May 1

Beltane-WWW-1999Merry, blessed Beltane to all Pagans.  Happy May Day to all.  Is the great flood over yet?  It is still pouring over here at Howler Acres.  Lots of water on the ground, standing water….shudder!  Just so Bull Run doesn’t creep up here.

Beltane falls between the vernal equinox and the summer solstice.  In ancient days, it was cause for great celebration and often celebrated as a rite of spring time and fertility.  Couples and farm animals jumped the Beltane fires and ran off for an evening of merrymaking and lust, like all good spring rituals.

Do you have special plans for this evening?  [raised eyebrow, inquiring look]

Kick back and enjoy Barbara Allen, an old folk tune, performed by Art Garfunkel.