Where is the Big “O”? The Faux OUTRAGE

Faux News is going to beat this to death. How on earth does an intelligence failure turn in to such outrage? Were they outraged over that big intelligence failure, 9-11? How about the mission accomplished fanfare? How about the weapons of mass destruction intelligence failure that was just a flat out lie? How about the outing of Valerie Plame that ruined a woman’s career?

Not much outrage there. Faux News has to stir up their base and the old people. What’s a good day without working up the base?

How odd that there were protests all around the world over a video but in Benghazi, no one had seen or heard of said video. It was just all terrorist attack? Stupid Obama! Stupid Susan Rice. Stupid Hillary Clinton! Get on over there and fix the problem.

Enshrining radical feminism?

Is Michele Bachmann getting stranger and dumber?    An ideological shrine to abortion?  Give me a break.

HR863  sounds like a bill to pass.  It authorizes a study on how to move forward with the women’s museum initiative.  Why shouldn’t there be a museum dedicated to the accomplishments of women in this country?  According to rawstory.com:

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) on Wednesday opposed the National Women’s History Museum by connecting it to “eugenics” and same-sex marriage.

During a House debate on whether or not Congress should appoint a commission to study how to move forward with building the National Women’s History Museum, Bachmann stood up and urged her colleagues to vote against the measure.

“I rise today in opposition to this bill because I believe ultimately this museum — that will be built on the National Mall on federal land — will enshrine the radical feminist movement that stands against the pro-life movement, the pro-family movement and the pro-traditional marriage movement,” she announced.


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