Pro-Life: It’s not just fertilization to birth

Pro-life isn’t just from fertilization to birth. Life is a continuum that streams from generation to generation.

I find it astonishing that some of our biggest “pro-life” movers and shakers in the community were down at McCoart Building yesterday ready to hop all over the Board of County Supervisors for allowing refugee children to live at Joe Gibb’s private facility, Youth For Tomorrow.

Many “pro-lifers” who feel quite comfortable with legislation that would force a woman to give birth even in extreme cases of rape, incest and fetal anomaly, have no compunction about telling the “illegals” to go back where they came from, even if they are 5, 8 or 11 years old. These same people want to deny these children refuge, even on a temporary basis.

These people simply aren’t pro-life–not by my standards. Perhaps my standards are just a little too high for some of the movers and shakers. From here on out, if I heard you calling out children who are here, alive and kicking, and telling them to go home, I will be calling bullshit on you, regardless of who you are.

Sort of makes you wonder who the real pro-lifers are. Perhaps the very name pro-life has been high-jacked by many who are very short sighted.

Lady Liberty is actually a bouncer in drag



I am going to advance a hypothesis.   Local people who feel threatened by the refugee children from Central America are the same people who were anti-immigration to start with, you know, back in the day.  Yes, the people who smugly went around touting “Illegal is illegal” and feeling like they had just made some sort of deep observation or said something profound. What does surprise me is the fact that these same people are now attacking children. How stupid on my part. Why am I surprised!?
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BOCS: What did and did not happen

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Very briefly, the BOCS went in to closed session following the invocation.  They emerged about a half hour later and Chairman Stewart announced the result of their session which you can hear in the above video.

Posting this video should cut down on the myths, lies and superstitions out there in cyberland.  Additionally, Chairman Stewart confirmed that no children were being housed at the Armory on Dumfries Road, outside Manassas.

The questions the Board seek answers to  seem appropriate.  I sincerely hope the BOCS will keep this reasonable tone and stand down during this humanitarian crisis.  These kids have to be scared, alone, and insecure.  They do not need to hear county  vitriol carried over from 2007 hurled at them.   Yes, its pretty much the same familiar tired old faces spewing hate and explaining to us why they aren’t prejudiced. (Yea, well yes you are!)   Some of them just had to get out their thread-barren old shirts, some with those red circles and make sure we all knew that there was still a sputter of hate left inside.

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