Gillespie airs “pro-Redskin” political ad during Cowboys-Redskins game

Hail to the Redskins! Hail Vic-tor-y! Congratulations to the Washington Redskins over their sudden death in overtime win last night. Moving on…

Pretty slick move, Ed Gillespie, pretty slick! That ad was effective and well-timed. All’s fair in love and politics.

The fact that this issue has gotten to be a national issue is fairly ridiculous, in my opinion. Should this bill ever pass, when will the PC issue creep over into all names, icons and monikers? Will local schools have to change their names? Will they have to chose new mascots to something namby pamby and lacking fight? I can see Stonewall Jackson high school and fire department having to rename themselves now if some sort of bill on PC steroids gets passed.

Congress has enough to do without getting into what a private franchise calls itself.  Congress can’t do its own job right. Now it wants to tell someone else how to deal?

Mark Warner is correct to keep his mouth shut. He doesn’t need to voice an opinion. I hope he is abstains  from voting  on this issue. Warner is a businessman at heart. I think the consumers/fans  and advertisers will ultimately decide the Redskins name issue. That is really where the decision should rest.