Candland’s Knight in Shining Armor “Writes” to His Rescue….Again

Oy Vey, who would have thought that commenting on high jacking constituents emails addresses would provide so much blog fodder!

First, Moonhowler penned a thread regarding the misuse of her email for electioneering purposes by Pete Candland, of which, by the way, I agreed with entirely with her premise.  I have often castigated Corey Stewart for the exact same “violation”.  However, at least I once openly supported Corey, even hosted a fundraiser for him in my home.  There is a reason he has my personal email address, I supported him at one ,albeit many years ago. Probably the Sheriff would not know that history as he miraculously materialized on the PWC political scene as soon as Pete was elected.  What an interesting coincidence!

So I will, once again, attempt to be concise in my explanation so that the “sheriff” may understand why elected officials should NOT misuse constituents personal email addresses’.  Let me say that I did not receive any e-mails from any elected official telling who to vote for, I am simply defending the principal of Moonhowler.

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Republican wave? Who rode in… and who didn’t bother to saddle up

Shown  are a few of the facts as the Washington Post sees them.  Here on Moonhowlings, some of the men have particularly enjoyed chiding me about the war on women, as if a Republican win not only ended the war, but also proved it never existed in the first place.

Let’s not get too carried away with disproving “war on women.”  It’s been going on since man was first placed on this earth and will continue to rumble far after I am dead and gone.  It’s not an idea that is going to quickly be resolved and it’s not going to be resolved by electing women to office or giving them their own Senate bathroom.

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