Million March against terrorism. Wow! Imagine Mahmoud Abbas and Netanyahu walking arm in arm down the street in Paris in a show of solidarity against terrorism.
I wonder what the reaction in the press would have been if the staff at Breitbart had been the victims? Would there have been such an outcry and rally?
“One simple regulation, Davis explained, could be password-protected locks on guns, similar to those used with iPhones. ”
“If you can put the lock on an iPhone you should be able to put it on a deadly weapon,” said Davis, who noted that he is a gun owner. ”
If you read this….
What science fiction novel did you pull this from? Because there are no guns OR technology to do this. All you did was provide MORE propaganda opportunities for people seeking to infringe rights.
Furthermore, please explain how needing to input a code in the split seconds needed to utilize a firearm for self defense does not put the owner in danger.
What would have saved that woman in Utah is if she had followed gun safety rules….OR even if she had used a firearm with a safety and kept it on “safe.”
Most of us aren’t fooled by this nonsense.
It’s a done deal and this is grandstanding. Pete knows he doesn’t have the votes to defund something funded in last year’s budget.
He has been boo-hooing about the power lines since last year. Pete, stop being a sore loser. Take it like a man.
I am assuming Friar Tuck got blocked again on a different (real different!) blog?
I don’t know how something can be approved one year and then taken back the next year. Is it a personal vendetta against Principi? Pete has not stopped grousing about those power lines. I guess his neighborhood doesn’t lose power like that part of Woodbridge does. Homes, businesses, traffic signals all go down.
It was decided. Power of 5. I doubt if there are 4 other people willing to go along with Candland on this one, even if the SoN does tear them up, ridicule them and libel them.
The people of Prince William County really need to start asking themselves if this is good governance. Do they really want their supervisors to make county decisions based on fear of ridicule and derision? That is what is and has been happening.
More of us need to take off the white gloves and start calling bullshit on this kind of behavior every time it happens.
I am also calling on the Chairman to fire any employee caught feeding and fueling this crap. it has gone on long enough.
I think I know what he was talking about… there is a new iGun 6+ out now. The old iGun 5s did not have the option. With the old iGun 5’s you had to enter in your pass code or use the unreliable and often finicky finger print scan. The new iGun 6+ not only fixes that but it’s also a larger caliber with bigger stopping power and a much better resolution camera (both front and selfie facing).
@Friar Tuck
Bluto: What? Over? Did you say “over”? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!
Otter: [to Boon] Germans?
Boon: Forget it, he’s rolling.
Bluto: And it ain’t over now. ‘Cause when the goin’ gets tough…
[thinks hard of something to say]
Bluto: The tough get goin’! Who’s with me? Let’s go!
[Bluto runs out, alone; then returns]
Bluto: What the fuck happened to the Delta I used to know? Where’s the spirit? Where’s the guts, huh? This could be the greatest night of our lives, but you’re gonna let it be the worst. “Ooh, we’re afraid to go with you Bluto, we might get in trouble.” Well just kiss my ass from now on! Not me! I’m not gonna take this. Wormer, he’s a dead man! Marmalard, dead! Niedermeyer…
Otter: Dead! Bluto’s right. Psychotic… but absolutely right. We gotta take these bastards. Now we could do it with conventional weapons, but that could take years and cost millions of lives. No, I think we have to go all out. I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody’s part!
Bluto: We’re just the guys to do it.
D-Day: [stands up] Yeah, I agree. Let’s go get ’em.
Boon: Let’s do it.
Bluto: [shouting] “Let’s do it”!
[all of the Deltas stand up and run out with Bluto]
@Cargosquid One wonders. Remember, words matter. The violent Tea Party rhetoric was bound to incite some crazy to action, which is why the TP needed to be silenced. Sarah Palin, with her targets, goaded Jared Loughner into shooting Gabby Giffords. And how many people who believed these words before are now learning to pronounce “Je suis Charlie”?
Let’s not forget that this current administration (and I must quote “The most transparent administration in history”) doesn’t necessarily have the best record.
This admin has a history of not only intimidation of journalists covering things they don’t agree with but actually go as far as take the North Korean route of spying on them and even charging the with crimes.
Joe Morrissey, convicted dirty old man, has been re-elected to his HOD seat. Joe ran as an independent, and won 42% of the vote, in a 3-way race. Not living in his district, I have sense of the calculus and demographics there. However, this seems to be a pretty good analysis:
Moon-howler :That’s Cargo’s neck of the woods.
The masses are asses. I got an email from my very Democratic aunt who was outraged. (she isn’t an ancient aunt. She is my age )
Statements by the Speaker and the head of the minority caucus indicate that both parties are united in their disgust of Joe “want some candy” Morrissey, and it will be interesting to see which party ends up with him in their caucus. Even better, what, if any, committee assignments will he get, because from what I read, he’s been legitimately elected, and must be seated.
Cargosquid :WTF? Just saw that Morrisey won.
I have NEVER been able to explain certain votes. And I hate to be partisan…but those votes always seem to elect Democrats.
But….that’s just my opinion.
Well, the voters get what they deserve.
I also think that Virginia should put in a “run off” law. If you do not get 50% + 1 vote….then there should be a run off between the two highest.
With my understanding of the partisan break-down of the district, it looks like Joe got a big chunk of the dems, the other guy got the rest of the dems, and the Republican pretty much got what a republican would be expected to get, in general election. Morrissey pulled around 70% last time he ran, as a Democrat. So your theory that it was Democrats who elected him is sound. Enough to win, while a smaller percentage seems to have held on to a modicum of sanity.
The thing is, even the Democrat caucus won’t claim him, the principle of which I can respect, and commend them for. The real test will be to see how long this principle lasts, as memories fade, and votes on bills need to be whipped and counted. Will “Jailbait Joe” be folded back into the caucus? We shall see.
I also wonder if the baby his victim is now carrying belongs to Joe? Curiosity is all.
Moon-howler :You did see my devil face? I was being sarcastic…and somewhat off-color.
I saw that, and I laughed too. Then I read his plea agreement (link provided above), and what he admitted to:
He knew how old she was, and didn’t care. He was warned several times, by several people, and he continued to pursue her, and they did in fact have sex. Afterward, he bragged to his friend, like a highschool boy (who also responded like a highschool boy), and he sent a nude picture of the girl to his friend. He’s in his 50’s. She was 17. She acted like a 17 yearold. So did he.
She’s now “with child”. Paternity hasn’t been established.
He’s the newly elected independent delegate, convicted statutory rapist, attorney. The HOD may not have grounds to eject him, since he resigned his seat before being reelected to it. He should be disbarred…
Absolutely he should be disbarred. I think 17 is being too generous. He should be in jail and I am not sure what should happen to her. I don’t cut her any passes either. She also knew what she was doing. If she were 18 he wouldn’t be in part time jail. Is there really any difference? Not in my mind.
Moon-howler :Absolutely he should be disbarred. I think 17 is being too generous. He should be in jail and I am not sure what should happen to her. I don’t cut her any passes either. She also knew what she was doing. If she were 18 he wouldn’t be in part time jail. Is there really any difference? Not in my mind.
Joe “High5” Morrissey was previously disbarred in 2003, and his law license was reinstated in 2011. Disbar him for good this time. Let him live off the $17,640.00 per year that his seat pays.
Oh my God, there is another victim supervisor. Another somebody done someone wrong.
Could PWC please elect someone who doesn’t want to play the victim? Is anyone running who doesn’t have a persecution complex?
The woman is elected 2 days before Christmas. Already there is a hue and cry going up that Peacor is persecuting her and hasn’t given her office space.
Suck it up. You might be a nice person, Ms. Lawson, but you are traveling with a whiny pack and you are already getting the reputation for being a sniveling whiner.
Tell the Sheriff to shut up and let you chart your own course.
And THIS is why I don’t trust the press. Imagine the outrage if Morrisey had an R behind his name…or the outrage of his constituents if the press had reported this before the election….
Somehow…..the entire press…….missed this little bit…..
…Whoa, whoa, whoa. She was what? Are you telling me that a white guy with a history of predating on women got convicted of a sex crime involving his underage, African-American receptionist, and nobody in the media thought to mention that minor fact? Despite the fact that this is practically textbook behavior for sexual predators in positions of authority? Feminists should be out there, marching and screaming for this man’s head; Del. Morrissey is perilously close to being their collective nightmare when it comes to sex and power imbalances.
Not that the film is political, or about this, but it has me thinking about that era. I’ve always been astounded by the way the Bush Administration was able to keep our dead out of sight. Rather than to treat Iraq as a war that we were all in together, playing for keeps, they were able to wage it on the cheap – no overtime needed for body armor – and actually sacrifice our young and noble without so much as real public acknowledgement that this was happening.
Nobody fights for the soldiers. Because they vote overwhelmingly Republican. And the Republican Party is at the core a bunch of rich guys in suits who couldn’t care less about the, except as cannon fodder used to secure a stable price for oil. That’s what I believe. And every single piece of evidence that i see supports that belief.
There was no nobility in hiding the cost of the war from view.
Lots of Republican voters want to pretend that the reason America drifts leftwards is because we don’t elect enough Republicans. But they’re deliberately not looking at the naked lunch on the end of their fork.
The people who control the Republican Party, who play the marioinettes, aren’t social conservatives and they aren’t fiscal conservatives. They have their own agenda, usually to do with keeping wealth in the hands of current owners, and minimizing financial instability.
Exhibit 1A would be the Iraq War. It was about keeping the price of oil steady. It was sold as something else. And the GOP’s constituency kept buying it as whatever it was sold as, to the point of dishonoring the dead, fighting the war on the cheap, and even hiding their sacrifice from public view.
I am paralyzed by “naked lunch at the end of the fork.”
I actually think you are right. I was just thinking today when I was listening to all the pontificating re Mitt Romney. What has changed? He isn’t really a social conservative. He pretends to be one and it really just doesn’t wear well. Yet he can’t get the party nomination if he doesn’t try to play it out.
Neither ultra liberals nor ultra conservatives can win the White House. so why are billions spent pretending?
The center will always win. Why doesn’t everyone just try to out-center each other?
You watch, think things through over any long haul, what Republicans really fight for is to keep wealth from fluctuating. Taxes are bad. Anything that makes it a less safe bet to keep profit rolling in – say, tax rules that reward for investing in America – are bad. The thing they protect above all else is the status quo for money movers, with less regulation and opposed to any form of wealth redistribution.
Disguised as an ostensible agenda of fighting illegal immigration, abortion, removal of God from pledges, right of gun nuts to molest kids, whatever plays. whatever can convince people to vote GOP. Yellow ribbons on trees, talk of God and country, whatever gets it done.
Announce a (very expensive long term) war and tax cuts at the same time. Never been done in history before – and a very bad decision. The cost of war is/was not being paid for by the current generation of war mongerers.
I am one of those people who thinks that the American civilian population ought to have to hurt, be rationed, and generally miserable every time we go to war–just like WWII. I think we would probably put a stop to it.
Think back to the last war that we are still sorta kinda in….
Did you hurt, inconvenience yourself, or in any other way change your daily life? Oh hell no, unless you had an immediate family member in the military. Most of us did not. That’s the reason this sh!t has been going on for so long. The military is really isolated from the civilian population and vice versa.
Start drafting our kids, rationing our food, especially butter, sugar, steak, and you will hear a call to war from the civilians.
Yeah, they treated the whole thing as if it were not real. The costs weren’t to be included in budgets, and the dead were not to be seen. And too many Americans fell right in line, and thought this was the way to fight a “war”. If the republicans told them that, then there must be a good reason, and it must make sense.
Instead of Je Suis Charlie….we need Je Suis Charles Martel.
The start of the week – the Washington Post; end of the week – Inside Nova. Elena has been busy for sure!
Absolutely! Elena has been working her butt off for almost a month.
Good to see people of all creeds and colors turn up for the unity rally in Paris
Million March against terrorism. Wow! Imagine Mahmoud Abbas and Netanyahu walking arm in arm down the street in Paris in a show of solidarity against terrorism.
I wonder what the reaction in the press would have been if the staff at Breitbart had been the victims? Would there have been such an outcry and rally?
At what point is murder, murder?
The learning curve must getting steep. It’s midnight and PWCS have not yet announced a 2 hour delay.
Loudoun has announced.
Parents need to know this stuff ahead of time.
Let’s try for a repeat performance of last Tuesday. That’s the ticket.
Keeping it stupid, Prince William. Keeping it stupid.
Fairfax has announced. 2 hour delay.
4 am and nothing called for Prince William.
My roving reporter tells me that Sudley Road is wet but not frozen.
Meanwhile, Arlington Schools have a 2 hour delay. Federal govt. 2 hour delay. Alexandria, 2 hour delay.
Prince William County Schools just announced a 2 hour delay at 5 am.
Col. Davis is jumping into the gun control argument.
“One simple regulation, Davis explained, could be password-protected locks on guns, similar to those used with iPhones. ”
“If you can put the lock on an iPhone you should be able to put it on a deadly weapon,” said Davis, who noted that he is a gun owner. ”
If you read this….
What science fiction novel did you pull this from? Because there are no guns OR technology to do this. All you did was provide MORE propaganda opportunities for people seeking to infringe rights.
Furthermore, please explain how needing to input a code in the split seconds needed to utilize a firearm for self defense does not put the owner in danger.
What would have saved that woman in Utah is if she had followed gun safety rules….OR even if she had used a firearm with a safety and kept it on “safe.”
Not magical “iphone guns”
Why can’t you use biometrics on a gun? You can on anything else.
Most of us aren’t fooled by this nonsense.
It’s a done deal and this is grandstanding. Pete knows he doesn’t have the votes to defund something funded in last year’s budget.
He has been boo-hooing about the power lines since last year. Pete, stop being a sore loser. Take it like a man.
I am assuming Friar Tuck got blocked again on a different (real different!) blog?
I don’t know how something can be approved one year and then taken back the next year. Is it a personal vendetta against Principi? Pete has not stopped grousing about those power lines. I guess his neighborhood doesn’t lose power like that part of Woodbridge does. Homes, businesses, traffic signals all go down.
It was decided. Power of 5. I doubt if there are 4 other people willing to go along with Candland on this one, even if the SoN does tear them up, ridicule them and libel them.
The people of Prince William County really need to start asking themselves if this is good governance. Do they really want their supervisors to make county decisions based on fear of ridicule and derision? That is what is and has been happening.
More of us need to take off the white gloves and start calling bullshit on this kind of behavior every time it happens.
I am also calling on the Chairman to fire any employee caught feeding and fueling this crap. it has gone on long enough.
Except for some notable absences… wonder who that could be?
I think I know what he was talking about… there is a new iGun 6+ out now. The old iGun 5s did not have the option. With the old iGun 5’s you had to enter in your pass code or use the unreliable and often finicky finger print scan. The new iGun 6+ not only fixes that but it’s also a larger caliber with bigger stopping power and a much better resolution camera (both front and selfie facing).
Because a gun is an emergency tool. It is to be available in an instant.
If one is using gloves… good.
If someone else needs the gun…no good.
If you require electronics on the gun… good.
No biometric gun has worked. Repeated shock by firing destroys the sensitive electronics.
@Jackson Bills
Heh…… I had to google what an “iGun” was.
I don’t even own a smart phone.
🙂 It does exist, I think this is the model that Col. Davis was talking about:
The most notable improvement is the selfie facing camera resolution as well as it now even comes with pano, square and slowmo capabilities.
Here is the fully auto version which now comes with built in hearing suppression/iTues ear buds:
This model is most popular with the ladies, it fits not only into a purse but discretely into your back pocket:
@Friar Tuck
Bluto: What? Over? Did you say “over”? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!
Otter: [to Boon] Germans?
Boon: Forget it, he’s rolling.
Bluto: And it ain’t over now. ‘Cause when the goin’ gets tough…
[thinks hard of something to say]
Bluto: The tough get goin’! Who’s with me? Let’s go!
[Bluto runs out, alone; then returns]
Bluto: What the fuck happened to the Delta I used to know? Where’s the spirit? Where’s the guts, huh? This could be the greatest night of our lives, but you’re gonna let it be the worst. “Ooh, we’re afraid to go with you Bluto, we might get in trouble.” Well just kiss my ass from now on! Not me! I’m not gonna take this. Wormer, he’s a dead man! Marmalard, dead! Niedermeyer…
Otter: Dead! Bluto’s right. Psychotic… but absolutely right. We gotta take these bastards. Now we could do it with conventional weapons, but that could take years and cost millions of lives. No, I think we have to go all out. I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody’s part!
Bluto: We’re just the guys to do it.
D-Day: [stands up] Yeah, I agree. Let’s go get ’em.
Boon: Let’s do it.
Bluto: [shouting] “Let’s do it”!
[all of the Deltas stand up and run out with Bluto]
@Cargosquid One wonders. Remember, words matter. The violent Tea Party rhetoric was bound to incite some crazy to action, which is why the TP needed to be silenced. Sarah Palin, with her targets, goaded Jared Loughner into shooting Gabby Giffords. And how many people who believed these words before are now learning to pronounce “Je suis Charlie”?
Man, is that a real quantum leap from what was really being said. Oy Vey!
Let’s not forget that this current administration (and I must quote “The most transparent administration in history”) doesn’t necessarily have the best record.
This admin has a history of not only intimidation of journalists covering things they don’t agree with but actually go as far as take the North Korean route of spying on them and even charging the with crimes.
Oy vey. Conspiracy theory?
Wednesday, January 14. Prince William County Schools closed, Code RED
(code Red means no one other than custodians go in. Code green means administrators and their administrative staff go in)
Sounds like PWC is erring on the side of caution. Not much out there now.
Joe Morrissey, convicted dirty old man, has been re-elected to his HOD seat. Joe ran as an independent, and won 42% of the vote, in a 3-way race. Not living in his district, I have sense of the calculus and demographics there. However, this seems to be a pretty good analysis:
That’s Cargo’s neck of the woods.
The masses are asses. I got an email from my very Democratic aunt who was outraged. (she isn’t an ancient aunt. She is my age
Statements by the Speaker and the head of the minority caucus indicate that both parties are united in their disgust of Joe “want some candy” Morrissey, and it will be interesting to see which party ends up with him in their caucus. Even better, what, if any, committee assignments will he get, because from what I read, he’s been legitimately elected, and must be seated.
What can Cargo tell us about what’s in the drinking water?
Low voter turn out?
re Morrissey – cannot figure that one out. Some people are just plain stupid.
WTF? Just saw that Morrisey won.
I have NEVER been able to explain certain votes. And I hate to be partisan…but those votes always seem to elect Democrats.
But….that’s just my opinion.
Well, the voters get what they deserve.
I also think that Virginia should put in a “run off” law. If you do not get 50% + 1 vote….then there should be a run off between the two highest.
With my understanding of the partisan break-down of the district, it looks like Joe got a big chunk of the dems, the other guy got the rest of the dems, and the Republican pretty much got what a republican would be expected to get, in general election. Morrissey pulled around 70% last time he ran, as a Democrat. So your theory that it was Democrats who elected him is sound. Enough to win, while a smaller percentage seems to have held on to a modicum of sanity.
The thing is, even the Democrat caucus won’t claim him, the principle of which I can respect, and commend them for. The real test will be to see how long this principle lasts, as memories fade, and votes on bills need to be whipped and counted. Will “Jailbait Joe” be folded back into the caucus? We shall see.
I also wonder if the baby his victim is now carrying belongs to Joe? Curiosity is all.
RE Morrissey: He must provide great constituent services.
I hear he is good, real good. 😈
Only to those who are not yet of voting age.
You did see my devil face? I was being sarcastic…and somewhat off-color.
Wonder if this will lead to riots:
Official Joe “I Knew She Was Underage” Morrissey’s plea agreement. Warning: Not for those with delicate sensibilities:
This guy was elected, even after being convicted. What does that say about the people in his district?
I saw that, and I laughed too. Then I read his plea agreement (link provided above), and what he admitted to:
He knew how old she was, and didn’t care. He was warned several times, by several people, and he continued to pursue her, and they did in fact have sex. Afterward, he bragged to his friend, like a highschool boy (who also responded like a highschool boy), and he sent a nude picture of the girl to his friend. He’s in his 50’s. She was 17. She acted like a 17 yearold. So did he.
She’s now “with child”. Paternity hasn’t been established.
He’s the newly elected independent delegate, convicted statutory rapist, attorney. The HOD may not have grounds to eject him, since he resigned his seat before being reelected to it. He should be disbarred…
Absolutely he should be disbarred. I think 17 is being too generous. He should be in jail and I am not sure what should happen to her. I don’t cut her any passes either. She also knew what she was doing. If she were 18 he wouldn’t be in part time jail. Is there really any difference? Not in my mind.
Joe “High5” Morrissey was previously disbarred in 2003, and his law license was reinstated in 2011. Disbar him for good this time. Let him live off the $17,640.00 per year that his seat pays.
Oh my God, there is another victim supervisor. Another somebody done someone wrong.
Could PWC please elect someone who doesn’t want to play the victim? Is anyone running who doesn’t have a persecution complex?
The woman is elected 2 days before Christmas. Already there is a hue and cry going up that Peacor is persecuting her and hasn’t given her office space.
Suck it up. You might be a nice person, Ms. Lawson, but you are traveling with a whiny pack and you are already getting the reputation for being a sniveling whiner.
Tell the Sheriff to shut up and let you chart your own course.
PWC is beginning to sound like an old time TV soap opera.
James Taylor singing “You’ve Got a Friend” to the French at a Kerry media appearance in Paris to make up for our absence at the JE SUIS CHARLIE march.
Good gosh!! What’s next?!!!! Big old purple Barney the Dinosaur singing “I love you, you love me….”?
And THIS is why I don’t trust the press. Imagine the outrage if Morrisey had an R behind his name…or the outrage of his constituents if the press had reported this before the election….
Somehow…..the entire press…….missed this little bit…..
…Whoa, whoa, whoa. She was what? Are you telling me that a white guy with a history of predating on women got convicted of a sex crime involving his underage, African-American receptionist, and nobody in the media thought to mention that minor fact? Despite the fact that this is practically textbook behavior for sexual predators in positions of authority? Feminists should be out there, marching and screaming for this man’s head; Del. Morrissey is perilously close to being their collective nightmare when it comes to sex and power imbalances.
Plenty of people are screaming about it. Where have you been?
I don’t think it has a thing to do with his party. He is a dirt bag. What else is there to say that isn’t beating a dead horse?
Both parties are after him.
Where I would be outraged is if one or both parties were making an excuse for him. They aren’t.
“American Sniper” is a darned good film. I highly recommend it.
Not that the film is political, or about this, but it has me thinking about that era. I’ve always been astounded by the way the Bush Administration was able to keep our dead out of sight. Rather than to treat Iraq as a war that we were all in together, playing for keeps, they were able to wage it on the cheap – no overtime needed for body armor – and actually sacrifice our young and noble without so much as real public acknowledgement that this was happening.
Nobody fights for the soldiers. Because they vote overwhelmingly Republican. And the Republican Party is at the core a bunch of rich guys in suits who couldn’t care less about the, except as cannon fodder used to secure a stable price for oil. That’s what I believe. And every single piece of evidence that i see supports that belief.
There was no nobility in hiding the cost of the war from view.
Lots of Republican voters want to pretend that the reason America drifts leftwards is because we don’t elect enough Republicans. But they’re deliberately not looking at the naked lunch on the end of their fork.
The people who control the Republican Party, who play the marioinettes, aren’t social conservatives and they aren’t fiscal conservatives. They have their own agenda, usually to do with keeping wealth in the hands of current owners, and minimizing financial instability.
Exhibit 1A would be the Iraq War. It was about keeping the price of oil steady. It was sold as something else. And the GOP’s constituency kept buying it as whatever it was sold as, to the point of dishonoring the dead, fighting the war on the cheap, and even hiding their sacrifice from public view.
I am paralyzed by “naked lunch at the end of the fork.”
I actually think you are right. I was just thinking today when I was listening to all the pontificating re Mitt Romney. What has changed? He isn’t really a social conservative. He pretends to be one and it really just doesn’t wear well. Yet he can’t get the party nomination if he doesn’t try to play it out.
Neither ultra liberals nor ultra conservatives can win the White House. so why are billions spent pretending?
The center will always win. Why doesn’t everyone just try to out-center each other?
You watch, think things through over any long haul, what Republicans really fight for is to keep wealth from fluctuating. Taxes are bad. Anything that makes it a less safe bet to keep profit rolling in – say, tax rules that reward for investing in America – are bad. The thing they protect above all else is the status quo for money movers, with less regulation and opposed to any form of wealth redistribution.
Disguised as an ostensible agenda of fighting illegal immigration, abortion, removal of God from pledges, right of gun nuts to molest kids, whatever plays. whatever can convince people to vote GOP. Yellow ribbons on trees, talk of God and country, whatever gets it done.
Anything for the good of the cause????
The democrats are no bargain either, but the republicans are more cynical and more manipulative of their voters.
Naked lunch at the end of the fork BTW is from William Burroughs’ famous (nonsensical junkie comedy) novel.
Naked lunch got me where I live. Bwaaahahahahaha
Announce a (very expensive long term) war and tax cuts at the same time. Never been done in history before – and a very bad decision. The cost of war is/was not being paid for by the current generation of war mongerers.
I am one of those people who thinks that the American civilian population ought to have to hurt, be rationed, and generally miserable every time we go to war–just like WWII. I think we would probably put a stop to it.
Think back to the last war that we are still sorta kinda in….
Did you hurt, inconvenience yourself, or in any other way change your daily life? Oh hell no, unless you had an immediate family member in the military. Most of us did not. That’s the reason this sh!t has been going on for so long. The military is really isolated from the civilian population and vice versa.
Start drafting our kids, rationing our food, especially butter, sugar, steak, and you will hear a call to war from the civilians.
Yeah, they treated the whole thing as if it were not real. The costs weren’t to be included in budgets, and the dead were not to be seen. And too many Americans fell right in line, and thought this was the way to fight a “war”. If the republicans told them that, then there must be a good reason, and it must make sense.
“The center will always win.”
Really? Then how do you explain Obama’s win over the ultra centrist Romney? He’s so center that he could also run as a Democrat.
Because perception is reality. Romney didn’t run as a centrist. Far from it. He tried to appeal to his base.
Obama ran more centrist.
I probably could have supported Romney if he had run as he did in MA.
btw, I made that mistake with both Reagan and Daddy Bush, thinking they were really moderates. ha! They had switched on me.
Romney was a centrist, that’s true. He was also a hard liner. And a liberal also.
He was whatever he thought he needed to be. A reed in the wind.
Too many make overs.