The question of the day is, should measles vaccinations be mandatory or not? I can’t imagine anyone not getting their kid vaccinated. How many readers have actually had red measles? I have. It was a horrible disease and I will never forget having it. I especially remember the hallucinations I had during it. I was sick for a good 2 weeks and I remember having horrible dreams. I cannot specifically remember what those dreams were (Give me a break, I was only six!) but I remember having the dreams that also spilled over into day time dreams.
Some people weren’t as lucky as I was. Some kids who got measles also had complications like encephalitis, blindness and I guess a few died. Mumps was pretty miserable also. I had rubella also supposedly 3 times which I don’t think is possible. There were probably lots of diseases back in those days that mimicked German measles.
I vote for mandatory. No one wants their kid to have measles. It is one nasty disease. In fact, I can’t even discuss it with those who don’t want to vaccinate. Its like death penalty discussions. I just don’t do them.