Sesame Street, it seems, is just as excited for this Friday’s release of Season 3 of “House of Cards” as all of Washington.
The storied children’s show released a parody Monday called “House of Bricks” modeled after Netflix’s hit series. The video takes David Fincher’s theme music and anti-hero Frank Underwood’s Charleston-inflected accent in a version of the “Three Little Pigs” fairy tale adapted to Washington.
Frank Underwolf, a muppet version of the “House of Cards” protagonist, aims to huff and puff and blow down the straw and stick houses on the block so he can get to the White (Brick) House.
It’s almost here! House of Cards! Frank Underwood! Don’t mess with me or talk to me on Friday. I will be very busy–binge-watching. I have waited all year. Settle your own blog issues. I will check in, once, half-heartedly. If the blog blows up, settle it yourselves.