Open Thread…………………………………………………….Monday, June 1

tree frog 2

What is all that racket outside every night, once the sun goes down?  Why its tree frogs!  They are singing their hearts out, looking for a mate.

Tree frogs are definitely a sign of warm weather.  They are also a sign that all is well and right with the world.  In the forest, when tree frogs get quiet, it means that they are aware of danger.  Their silence becomes an anti-alarm of sorts.

Near my house, nothing shuts them up.  Their sound can be deafening.  Oddly enough, they sound isn’t coming from Bull Run Creek but rather the opposite direction.  So much for the bull frog theory.  If there are bull frogs in the mix they must be ones who have taken over someone’s swimming pool.  Croakers’ rights or something like that.