GOP Virginia Senate candidate Corey Stewart defends President Trump’s comments blaming both sides of the protest in Charlottesville for violence.
Corey has humiliated Prince William County with his behavior. His tough guy persona is simply rude, crude and socially unattractive. His bad manners on TV are an embarrassment. His convoluted logic has turned him into a mental midget rather than the chairman of the 2nd most populated county in the State of Virginia.
I am uncomfortable with any politician who is in such denial that even he or she cannot see their own lies. Apparently Corey missed seeing that torch walk that went on for almost a mile. Apparently he didn’t hear the aggression used by young men sporting swastika arm bands. Apparently he didn’t hear the anti-semitic remarks being made and by-standers being called “faggots.” Apparently he didn’t see torch fuel being thrown on college students. He must not have seen the students circling the statue of Mr. Jefferson being surrounded by Nazis and beaten with torches and clubs.
I saw these things. Corey, educate yourself. I will send you the information. Look outside yourself and what you want to be true for your own political gain.
Corey has 2 fine young sons who are rapidly growing up. I feel almost positive he would be horrified if his sons joined any white nationalist group. I was horrified to see how young the boys/men were in the torch procession.
Yes, there are violent groups out there who are not White Nationalists, Nazis, or KKK. There are militia groups and Antifa. Here is the difference, Corey: Redneck Revolt, Antifa and BLM have not killed millions of people, or even thousands. The Nazis and KKK have. That fact alone ends the discussion.
His behavior with Chris Cuamo was no better:
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