Any time someone disagrees with the message, there is this ugly tendency to try to destroy the messenger. Emma Gonzalez isn’t going anywhere. We will be seeing a lot more of this talented, articulate young woman.
The far right had better start picking and choosing its enemies far more carefully. Emma might just prove to be unbeatable.
Is it fair to say that the far left had better start choosing it’s enemies far more carefully as well? There are some articulate kids from Parkland on the pro-2nd side of the argument that are trashed by liberal commentators.
I haven’t heard any of those comments. Who specifically trashed a kid from Parkland? I don’t think it is a matter of being pro or anti gun. It seems like in your world, anyone who wants any restriction at all on weapons is anti-gun. To me, someone “anti-gun” wants no guns in society at all.
Help me understand why the far right is presenting this argument in binary terms.
Great question Moon, to make it easier to understand just think of it along the same lines as abortion.
In your world anyone who wants restrictions on abortion is anti-abortion or anti-women’s right or anti-women’s healthcare or just plain anti-woman. To me someone who is ‘anti-abortion’ doesn’t want any abortion at all.
Help me understand why the far left is presenting this argument in binary terms.
Please don’t explain MY world to me. You very obviously don’t understand it.
Abortion has many restrictions, many built in to Roe v. Wade. I would say that someone who is anti abortion doesn’t want abortion at all also. There are plenty of pro-choice people who accept some limitations on abortion.
I don’t think the far left or the pro-choice community present abortion in binary terms. At least when I was involved as an activist, that was not the case.
Are you not aware that a DNC Vice chair sent out a tweet the other day suggesting it’s time to repeal the 2nd?
I believe that the deputy chairman of the DNC is Keith Ellison and I don’t believe he has called for the repeal of the 2nd amendment. Feel free to cut and paste the direct quote here.
Richard Hertz,
Moon asked you a specific question about pro 2A Parkland students who have been “trashed by Liberal commentators”. Do you have some examples that track closely with some of the garbage gthat has been thrown at the Parkland kids from State media and its allies?
Scout!!! Hello hello!
I am not holding my breath for those examples. I think that comment was a sucker punch and a hasty retreat.
Richard Hertz,
Richard Hertz, I ask you to answer Moon’s question. Which liberal commentators have “trashed” the pro-2nd kids from Parkland?
El Guapo, I am not going to hold my breath for those examples.
El Guapo,
Are you all really that clueless or are you just completely entrenched in your own echo chambers that you honestly do not know of any?
Google is a wonderful thing by the way but I’ll give you two off the top of my head… Kyle Kashuv is a Parkland student who survived the shooting who the media completely ignore because he doesn’t fit their narrative (probably why none of you seem to have a clue about him). A father, who’s daughter was killed in the Parkland shooting, tweeted something out which could be considered pro-2a. He was trashed by tons of people and Kyle sent him a tweet simply stating “Don’t let them get to you Mr. Guttenburg”.
That prompted CNN’s Joan Walsh to directly tweet Kyle mocking him and even saying “Good luck handling your stress Kyle”. Then there is that asshole MSNBC contributor Kurt Eichenwald who has publicly stated that he thinks Kyle is mentally disturbed.
Guys, try branching out a bit with your news consumption.
We don’t need to. I feel confident you will bring us alt-right material right here.
I really haven’t heard anyone you might consider far left trashing any of the Parkland kids. I tend to not swim in those kinds of cesspools.
I also don’t consider CNN to be a leftish station either.