Hate crime and the Trump Effect?

(This is a guest post)

Some claim hate crime is on the rise — by as much as 17% per year — but can we really trust facts from a deep state institution like the FBI? Myself, I prefer alternative facts.

One study found that counties that hosted a Trump rally saw hate crimes rise by as much as 226%. Another study found that cities that hosted Trump rallies saw 2.3 more assaults on the day of the rally as compared to an average day. It’s interesting to me that neither of these studies attempted to uncover the correlation between violent video games and hate crime — what’s the liberal media hiding?

Speaking of correlations, a scientific study found a “Trump Effect” on hate crime…

We find compelling evidence to support the Trump Effect hypothesis. Using time series analysis, we show that Donald Trump’s election in November of 2016 was associated with a statistically significant surge in reported hate crimes across the United States, even when controlling for alternative explanations. Further, by using panel regression techniques, we show that counties that voted for President Trump by the widest margins in the presidential election also experienced the largest increases in reported hate crimes.


But we all know scientists are ivory tower liberals. To be sure, science is largely a liberal endeavor, which is why I for one am glad the Trump administration squashed a terrorism study that found far-right terrorism on the rise.