Steve Schmidt, as David told us, is a founder of the Lincoln Project. The Lincoln Project formed to inform the American people of the betrayal of Donald Trump.

Steve Schmidt is correct. Trump’s behavior, as it relates to our military, is deplorable, despicable, and disgraceful.

This election, November 3, 2020, will be the most important election of the past 150 years. Don’t be mislead. Vote Trump and his cohorts out of office. To do otherwise imperils this nation’s very core.

3 Thoughts to “While we are on the topic of Steve Schmidt calling out Trump….”

  1. kelly_3406

    This is unverified intelligence. The last time I checked, this guy runs political campaigns and nothing more. He knows nothing about the intelligence apparatus.

    But at least now you know how I feel about Obama and Biden. The real scandal was Obama and Biden’s treaty with the Iranians. News reports documented that the Iranian regime supplied weapons, money, intelligence, manpower and expertise to kill American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Iranian technology supported IEDs that caused thousands of Americans soldiers to be maimed and killed.

    What was the response of Obama/Biden? To negotiate a treaty with and release >$100billion to the Iranians which contributed to further attacks against Americans. And when Trump approved and carried out an attack against the leader (Suleiman) of much of this mayhem, the National security establishment whined like mules.

    So anything that the Russians did pales in comparison to the actions of the Iranians. However, as I said before, this intelligence report, according to multiple news sources, is unverified, and it does not really make any sense — how would it have benefitted the Russians?

    The release of this information does benefit people like Steve Schmidt. If he can get rid of Donald Trump, then he and his friends are more likely to get the plumb positions they believe they so richly deserve in a future Republican Administration. If he truly cared about American troops, we would have heard Steve Schmidt’s outrage directed against Obama for a treaty with the Iranians when it was KNOWN that they were killing troops. But he did not. In fact, he criticized Trump for withdrawing from the treaty.

    I would not be surprised if it came out that he is representing a corporation or entity with large profits from trade with China or Iran.

    1. kelly_3406,

      Perhaps Donald Trump just offends him on every visceral cell in his body, like he does most of us. After all, Steve Schmidt has worked for a very respected senator. While I might not have agreed with McCain’s positions on many things, I always respected him.

      Finally, this isn’t about Iran. It’s about Russia and our unholy alliance with that evil empire. It seems fairly verified to me.

      I hope you aren’t defending Trump. If this is my old friend Kelly, I know you are too smart for that. Do you still have my email?

    2. David

      This is unverified intelligence.

      True, but there’s enough there to see the shape of things. We know it’s not a “hoax” like Trump claims. Something like that isn’t going into Trump’s PDB unless the intel community believes it’s solid.

      But at least now you know how I feel about Obama and Biden. The real scandal was Obama and Biden’s treaty with the Iranians. News reports documented that the Iranian regime supplied weapons, money, intelligence, manpower and expertise to kill American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Iranian technology supported IEDs that caused thousands of Americans soldiers to be maimed and killed.

      Yep yep. This is really the maddening essence of Republican foreign policy: fumble from one checkmate to the next — always ensure the US stays over a barrel. Every sane person on Earth (including Obama) literally cried, pleaded, begged the Republicans to avoid getting us into a no-win trap in the Middle East. Obama inherited Dubya’s massive no-win, and surprisingly enough we experienced some serious no-win stuff like what you pointed out there.

      One of the things I liked about Trump is he seemed to comprehend our ridiculous chain of Repub/neocon blunders, how each stupid screw-up led us inevitably into yet another no-win trap that made us more vulnerable and less safe. I’m half-remembering here… during a debate he bluntly and rudely (yeah Trump style) criticized Dubya’s 911 disasters straight to Jeb’s face and implied that those disasters had made us less safe and were creating more terrorism — the Bush’s were losers at foreign policy, and Trump hates losers. I thought it was a rare semi-awesome (but weird of course) moment in the midst of a whole lot of non-awesomeness — nobody could respond to Trump as he so crudely exposed one of the weirdest and most fundamental Republican contradictions.

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