Town Hall Meeting
January 6th
7 pm
Battlefield High School, 15000 Graduation Drive, Haymarket
It is imperative as many people as possible attend the January 6th Town Hall Meeting, 7pm at Battlefield High School. Anyone who cares about due process, anyone who cares about the rights of personal property, anyone who cares about the historical and cultural resources in the Haymarket area, anyone who cares about the integrity of the Rural Crescent should make their voices heard to our elected leader so we can help them push back against this power line route. The only acceptable route is the I66 hybrid alternative.
When Dominion Power, with no notification to residents, during the Thanksgiving holiday, included a new power line route traversing the Rural Crescent , they had every intention of submitting that route to the SCC in mid January. It was only two weeks into a citizens outcry, beginning Dec. 7th, they finally changed their submittal date to “likely after the first quarter”. To date, the citizens along the newly proposed New Road Route, have had no direct notification from Dominion Power.