Yeager struts his sanity…NOT!!!! :

The CEO of a company that teaches people how  to use guns has posted a ranting video online in which he claims he will ‘start  killing people’ if President Obama uses his executive powers to introduce  tighter gun controls.

James Yeager runs Tactical Response, a  Tennessee company that trains people in weapon and tactical skills. In a video  posted on YouTube and Facebook, Yeager describes President Obama as a ‘dictator’ and claims that tighter gun control measures will result in ‘civil war.’

The video is Yeager’s angry response to  Vice  President Joe Biden’s comment on Wednesday that President Obama might use  executive action if Congress takes no action on gun violence in the wake of the Sandy  Hook massacre.

If this is a person trying to convince me that he is sane and should be carrying any type of weapon, he sure is going about it the wrong way. I wouldn’t trust this A-hole with a butter knife.


See this guy in all his glory by clicking the blue text.

I don’t usually use Brit media but the video was clearer than on my usual sites.


Many responses to the gun situation?

Groups in Utah are training teachers to carry guns, Tennessee is hiring armed “security specialists” for $11.50 an hour and the National Rifle Association is working on a plan to arm school volunteers even as teachers gather in protest outside the group’s headquarters.

Are security specialists the answer? Are armed  teachers the answer?  I don’t think that “good” vs “bad” is the answer.  I think that well-trained and present vs. disturbed might be more to the point.  What we don’t need out there is the amatuer hour if a school violence issue arises.  Too many people’s lives are at stake.

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NRA: Our meeting with Joe Biden’s task force went exactly as well as you’d expect

NRA: Our meeting with Joe Biden’s task force went exactly as well as you’d expect


The National Rifle Association of America is made up of over 4 million moms and dads, daughters and sons, who are involved in the national conversation about how to prevent a tragedy like Newtown from ever happening again.  We attended today’s White House meeting to discuss how to keep our children safe and were prepared to have a meaningful conversation about school safety, mental health issues, the marketing of violence to our kids and the collapse of federal prosecutions of violent criminals.

We were disappointed with how little this meeting had to do with keeping our children safe and how much it had to do with an agenda to attack the Second Amendment.  While claiming that no policy proposals would be “prejudged,” this Task Force spent most of its time on proposed restrictions on lawful firearms owners – honest, taxpaying, hardworking Americans.  It is unfortunate that this Administration continues to insist on pushing failed solutions to our nation’s most pressing problems.  We will not allow law-abiding gun owners to be blamed for the acts of criminals and madmen.  Instead, we will now take our commitment and meaningful contributions to members of congress of both parties who are interested in having an honest conversation about what works – and what does not.


NRA, how do we know what doesn’t work?  I have yet to hear honest conversation.

Some ideas out of the meetings VP Biden has held:

  • Clarifying gun ownership responsibilities.
  • Restrict high-capacity clips and magazines.
  • Impose universal background checks, including those at gun shows, for every transaction.


WH denies petition to deport Piers Morgan

The President responds to the public petition to deport British citizen Piers Morgan for his outspokenness on gun control. The petition was sponsored by conservative talk radio host Alex Jones in favor of the 2nd Amendment.

From Jay Carney

Thank you for participating in We the People to speak out on an issue that matters to you.

Let’s not let arguments over the Constitution’s Second Amendment violate the spirit of its First. President Obama believes that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual right to bear arms. However, the Constitution not only guarantees an individual right to bear arms, but also enshrines the freedom of speech and the freedom of the press — fundamental principles that are essential to our democracy. Americans may disagree on matters of public policy and express those disagreements vigorously, but no one should be punished by the government simply because he or she expressed a view on the Second Amendment — or any other matter of public concern.

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Giffords and Kelly launch initiative against gun violence

Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly

Op-ed in Tuesday’s USA Today:

Our new campaign will launch a national dialogue and raise funds to counter influence of the gun lobby.

In response to a horrific series of shootings that has sown terror in our communities, victimized tens of thousands of Americans, and left one of its own bleeding and near death in a Tucson parking lot, Congress has done something quite extraordinary — nothing at all.

I was shot in the head while meeting with constituents two years ago today. Since then, my extensive rehabilitation has brought excitement and gratitude to our family. But time and time again, our joy has been diminished by new, all too familiar images of death on television: the breaking news alert, stunned witnesses blinking away tears over unspeakable carnage, another community in mourning. America has seen an astounding 11 mass shootings since a madman used a semiautomatic pistol with an extended ammunition clip to shoot me and kill six others. Gun violence kills more than 30,000 Americans annually.

This country is known for using its determination and ingenuity to solve problems, big and small. Wise policy has conquered disease, protected us from dangerous products and substances, and made transportation safer. But when it comes to protecting our communities from gun violence, we’re not even trying — and for the worst of reasons.

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Rep. DebraLee Hovey: Shallow end of the manners gene pool

State Rep. DebraLee Hovey, R-Newtown, who last week on her Facebook page called on shooting victim Gabrielle Giffords to “stay out of my towns,” issued an apology Monday.

“The remarks I made regarding Congresswoman Gifford’s visit were insensitive and if I offended anyone I truly apologize,” Hovey said in a statement issued by her office, referring to Giffords’ visit Friday to Newtown.

“My comments were meant to be protective of the privacy of the families and our community as we work to move on, and were in no way intended as an insult to Congresswoman Giffords personally. Our community has struggled greatly through this tragedy, and we are all very sensitive to the potential for this event to be exploited for political purposes. This is what I wish to avoid,” Hovey said in her statement.

Former Democratic Congresswoman Gabby Giffords and her husband, Mark Kelly, went to Newtown, Connecticut  met privately with several government officials  before meeting  with some of the families of the 20 children and six teachers killed in a massacre by lone gunman, Adam Lanza, at the Sandy Hook Elementary School last month.  Giffords and Kelly have been increasingly involved in  lobbying for stricter gun laws and improved access to mental health treatment

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Archie had the answer 40 years ago….

Archie Bunker had the answer 40 years ago. He doesn’t sound much different that Wayne Lapierre did the other day other than LaPierre used better grammar.

I find these discussions rather incredible. I wish one “enthusiast” would explain to me how I am supposed to know that THEY are sane and someone like Cho is not sane. The ranting and raving just isn’t passing the old sanity test in my eyes. The weapons capable of multiple kills in a matter of seconds have to be removed from our every day life.

Additionally, we can’t deport everyone who says something we don’t like. Deportation isn’t the answer to every problem.

Text of video:

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Piers Morgan interviews Alex Jones….sorta

Alex Jones rants on like a crazy man. Rarely have I seen a person make such an ass of himself.

Alex Jones argues using the same old tired rhetoric. His hysteria makes me wonder if he shouldn’t be the poster child for someone who shouldn’t be allowed to have a gun.

Alex Jones must believe in the shot gun method of debate. Fire in all directions and see what you hit.

Gun enthusiasts and hobbyists, is this man who you want representing your cause? He is frightening.

(Alex Jones is also a truther.)

Rocket Launchers? WTF!

beck rocket launcher ted soqui.JPG
Ted Soqui for LA Weekly
LAPD Chief Charlie Beck and Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa.

Yesterday’s LAPD gun buyback was so successful that two-hour waits and gift-card shortages were reported.

The department says it picked up 75 assault weapons as part of its no-questions-asked effort that saw $100 dollar cards handed out for handguns and long guns and $200 for the kind of rifle used in the Newtown tragedy. The LAPD says 901 handguns, 698 rifles, 363 shotguns will also be destroyed.

Good stats. But this is the one that gut us saying WTF:

Cops picked up two — count ’em two — rocket launchers (!) (and not one, as other outlets are reporting), an LAPD official with close knowledge of the program told us. Holy hell why do people on our streets have military grade rocket launchers?

Why does anyone need a rocket launcher in this country?  I have no answers.


Elvis got it….

Today the term “ghetto” takes on all sorts of meaning not around when Elvis sang his hit “In the Ghetto” in early 1969.  Today, if we say something is “ghetto” we probably mean urban black.  Not so, back then. Up until that recording,  Ghetto was more universal, had its roots in European oppression, but still spoke of community and way of life.  Ghetto soon evolved into meaning urban inner  city in America, without much hope.

As we all settle and adjust to yet another mass murder in our country, there is something else to consider.  As shocked and rattled as we are by Gabby Gifford’s’ attack, the Aurora Theater massacre, and now the Newtown, Ct murders, we are overlooking how many little children are killed by guns yearly in the inner cities of our nation.

These little children are just as innocent as those 5, 6, and 7 year old babies were in Newtown.  Their parents are as horrified and shocked and without consolation as are the parents of the dead in Newtown.  The inner city parents can make no sense of wanton killing either, much less the loss of their child.

The inner city kids who have died didn’t have the right address.  They didn’t come from a nice neighborhood or have expectations of non-violence.  Or did they?  No one expects their little child to be gunned down or to catch a stray bullet in his stroller or his mother’s arms.

We need to think about these children also, not just the children of Newtown.   These children have just as much right to safety, and yes, to life,  as the little Connecticut children.  How many innocents will die this year while we all babble on in our middle class accents?  One is too many.  These children are not expendable either.  Yet nearly 300 little kids have died in Chicago in three years.  The gun debate must include them.

Elvis Presley got it over 40 years ago.  Apparently not everyone does, even today.


Republican delegates call for armed officers at elementary schools



Republicans in the House of Delegates, responding to the mass shooting last week at a Connecticut elementary school, are working on legislation to provide funding for armed officers at Virginia elementary schools.

The measure would expand an existing school resource officer grant program, now mostly used for high schools and middle schools, GOP leaders in the House said Thursday.

“Today, we are announcing our intent to expand funding for a school resource officer grant program to encourage the creation of school resource officer positions in Virginia elementary schools,” Speaker William J. Howell (R-Stafford) said in a written statement. “This is a critical step toward making sure all of our schools are as safe as possible.

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Wayne Lapierre: Dismisses gun culpability

Lapierre has marginalized the NRA right down to an extremist group.  He has blamed Hollywood, the game industry, culture, but never guns.  Guns simply have role in the deaths of 28 people.  UFB.

I am not willing to point the finger and blame guns solely, but they certainly play a role in the culture of fear that runs through our society now.  Until Lapierre is willing to sit down and talk about solutions that restrict some forms of weapons and some forms of ammo, his organization is just a joke.  Perhaps he doesn’t speak for as many people as he thinks he does.

The NRA will have to get different representation if they want to have any spot at the solutions table.  They have lost all cred at this point with the majority of americans, if recent polls are any indication.

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Gun hobbyists attempt to deport Piers Morgan


Piers Morgan’s outspokenness about gun control has brought about a petition seeking to deport him from the United States.

The petition, which has been submitted on a White House website, has received over 12,000 signatures. (It takes 25,000 before the White House is obligated to address the petition.) The petition was launched by writer Kurt Nimmo. The text reads:

British Citizen and CNN television host Piers Morgan is engaged in a hostile attack against the U.S. Constitution by targeting the Second Amendment. We demand that Mr. Morgan be deported immediately for his effort to undermine the Bill of Rights and for exploiting his position as a national network television host to stage attacks against the rights of American citizens.

Morgan has made several forceful attacks on pro-gun advocates in the wake of the massacre at Sandy Hook elementary.

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The NRA speaks out–finally, assumes no responsibility

The NRA posed lots of solutions.  Many of them I agree with.  A police officer in every school would be great.  But who will pay for it?  In PWC, there are over 90 schools.  Let’s say one officer, when all was said and done, with a car, equipment, salary, benefits, and pension would cost in the neighborhood of $100,000.   That’s no small chunk of change.    Is the NRA going to help with the cost?  Didn’t think so.   I think I am low balling that figure anyway.  It sounds like we are taling $10 million.

The NRA suggested we get tougher on the mentally ill.  I am all in favor of that also.  What I haven’t heard is how the NRA is going to change.  Are they going to decide that the man on the street doesn’t need military type weapons?    How many rounds do we need to fire a minute?  The NRA assumed no responsibility in any of this and  I have a problem with that.

We tax cigarettes, booze,   gambling and use some of those funds to  fixing the problems those things cause.  Perhaps we need to start taxing guns sales  and ammunition sales to apply towards fixing some of the problems that America’s gun pastime is producing.

I can already hear the howling.  Let’s put it another way, I don’t want to buy guns and ammo.  Why should I pay for someone else’s hobby that leaves a very expensive foot print?  As long as 2A rights involve high powered weapons that can inflict untold damage on those caught in the crossfire,  those who insist on no restrictions can just help pay for it.