Schools open again today and across the nation, millions of kids will be reciting the Pledge of Allegiance:
“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
It sounds harmless enough. However, to some parents, the phrase “under God” is unacceptable in schools. The parents feel that the Pledge tears down the wall of separation between church and state because it contains the words, “under God.”. The Pledge heads back to court in the very near future. How does it hurt anyone to say two little bitty words?
That isn’t the point. Kids are a captive audience forced to recite something their parents find objectionable. Can kids be pulled out? Of course. However, pulling a student out of the pledge makes them stand out–opt out programs always call attention to those who dare to be different.