Michael Moore: My Congressman, Bart Stupak, Has Neither a Uterus Nor a Brain

Michael Moore is a strange person. I have never seen one of his films. I have always assumed that he was far too liberal for my taste. Yet he is an interesting, thought-provoking man at times, in the interviews with him that I have seen. He has a middle class background with middle class values. He also seems to think capitalism is evil. Perhaps I misunderstood him though. He is not what people sometimes call ‘the Hollywood elite.’ I found his letter in the Huffington Post and almost didn’t read it.

I am going to ask you to read his letter. Please do not comment on Michael Moore. Our like or dislike of him is not the issue. Please respond to what he says. Any part of it. There are many layers in what he has to say.



I live in Michigan, in one of the 31 counties represented in the U.S. House of Representatives by none other than Mr. Bart Stupak, a Democrat. You’ve probably never heard of him. He’s a pretty quiet guy, a former Michigan State Police trooper who boldly decided to run some 18 years ago as a Democrat in a rural part of Michigan that votes almost exclusively for Republicans (yes, I know — what am I doing here? I’ll save that story for a future letter).

His voting record is pretty conservative for a Democrat, but he’s had a few shining moments. In the wake of the Columbine shootings, he voted for some gun control, a not-too-popular position to take here in northern Michigan. The NRA came after him with all they had in 2000.

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VA Delegate Assembly Disses Freedom of Speech


From Virginia Planned Parenthood:

Yesterday, SB18, the omnibus package that includes the ‘Trust Women, Respect Choice’ license plate was passed by the full House. However, like the House version of the bill, the language in SB18 was changed to redirect revenue generated by the sale of the plates away from Planned Parenthood to the Virginia Pregnant Women Support Fund. Despite the public outcry and media attention, anti-choice Delegates refuse to grant Planned Parentood equal viewpoint.

So there you have it.  The Virginia Delegate Assembly has not only dissed freedom of speech but it looks like they don’t think that women have enough sense to state where they want their money to go. Rewind to a few weeks ago.  In An Issue of Fairness we illuminated the hypocrisy going on in the Delegate Assembly with HB 1108 which was about Pro-Choice license plates which read Trust Women/Respect Choice (see illustration).

UPDATE: The bill now goes to the Senate. Hopefully the Senate will amend this bill by returning the funds to Planned Parenthood.  No victory laps yet, delegates.

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