An Unlikely Band of Sympathizers

Ex-Congressman Eric Massa’s behavior, rhetoric, and constantly changing story today on Glenn Beck had Arianna Huffington, Anderson Cooper, and David Gergen so amused/disgusted/incredulous that Huffington said she actually sympathized with Glenn Beck for having to interview Massa for an hour. 

According to Huffington Post:

Gergen used a similar analogy. “People say that Washington politics is a freak show,” he observed. “And Eric Massa is writing a whole new chapter.

Whenever the chapter is complete, it may contain a memorable quote form Gergen about his time in the Navy.

“I don’t remember any tickle fights.”


Perhaps Massa’s story about the shower is purely a figure of his imagination. No one seems to be buying into his line of bull these days, from either camp. I doubt if anyone cares that he is gone.  Glenn Beck protected his audience from having to observe the book of tickle fights that Massa brought with him.  Beck looked simply dumbfounded that anyone would be showing a book like that.  (Something from Massa’s Navy days)

Senator Graham Says ‘Birthers’ are Crazy

Senator Lindsay Graham went on the record and said that the Republican Party needs to distance itself from the fringe. He looks at various media that is known for whipping up people into a frenzy and he feels it is hurting his party. His distain extended to Glenn Beck:

“Glenn Beck is not aligned with any party. He is aligned with cynicism and there has always been a market for cynics. But we became a great nation not because we are a nation of cynics. We became a great nation because we are a nation of believers.”

He extended his criticism beyond individuals to include movements like the ‘birther’ movement and speculated what it would have been like to write the founding documents of this country in an environment where news channels were on 24/7:

Reflecting comments made earlier in the day by his colleague and close friend, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), Graham said he was deeply worried about “the passions of cable TV” whipping up the emotions of the public. “If you get rewarded for being a jerk you are going to keep doing it,” he said, before labeling “Talk radio,, and the 24-hour news cycle” as the main culprits in polarizing the nation.

“Can you imagine doing D-Day with cable television?” he asked. “Can you imagine writing the Constitution — you know, O’Reilly says Ben Franklin’s giving in on something. Can you imagine having to do that in this environment?”

More at Huffington Post

Fox Trots Out More Freak-Out Lies @5 PM Tuesday

Glenn Beck should be baying at the moon by 5 pm on Tuesday, September 8. Apparently he plans an hour long show dedicated to the endoctrination of America’s school children. He feels our republic is under attack:



To help us interpret all this insanity, perhaps its time for a good laugh from Keith Olbermann, who I rarely watch. The only thing left to do is laugh. There is no chance of reason here.





The sad thing is, too many people cannot think for themselves and rely on Beck, Hannity, and Limbaugh for their political foundation. Perhaps they would be better off with O’Reilly. He at least is a scholar and on occassion make sense. The others are third rate actors.