Fox News severs contracts with those candidates who announce their candidacy for president. (What’s worng with this picture?) So far, Rick Santorim and Newt Gingrich have both been terminated. No so with Sarah Palin. She has not announced, therefore she is still an employee of Fox News.
In The Five, Greg Gutfeld and Bob Beckel both manned up and admitted that they pulled punches when it came down to talking about Palin because she worked there. Beckel basically clarified and said really that it was because he got a paycheck. Do we interpret that as Palin is under the protection of Fox News? Perhaps she will never declare and will have no one criticize her ever on Fox News. That’s one way to keep things quiet.
On the other hand, Palin does not disappoint. She predictably threw out her victim card in the video. Don’t you love someone that easy to predict? Whine, Sarah, Whine. Show a little tooth there, Mama Grizzly! No one does victimizaton any better.