It should be painful to be stupid

There is a reason we call wild animals, ‘wild animals.’ Wild animals are unpredictable and capable of causing great injury and even death. People always seem to want to defy the odds by either keeping wild animals as pets or invading the space of wild animals in nature. 

Sometimes the animals fight back.  There are signs all over Yellowstone National Park warning visitors not to go near the buffalo and other wild animals. (the signs about the grizzlies are particularly stern.) However, I have personally watched far too many people fail to heed the warnings. Why would anyone approach a beast that is just huge? Buffalo make cattle look like wimps.  This buffalo showed these people who was the boss, with attitude. 

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Again, it should be painful to be stupid. We need a break in here from politics. Don’t forget to give to your national parks if you have any spare change.  National Parks have been hit hard by this economy and belt-tightening.  They also suffered under the Bush Administration.