The Reading of the Constitution: Blame the Virginians

Tomorrow the Constitution of the United States will be read before Congress opens it 112 session.

According to

Though it has been inserted as text into the Congressional Record before, the supreme law of the land has never been read aloud before in the body known as “the People’s House.”

The man responsible for the exercise, Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., says it’s more than just a simple civics lesson.

“This is a very symbolic showing to the American people,” said Goodlatte, “and it’s a powerful message to members of Congress. We are a nation of laws, not of men.”

One has to ask, how long will this reading take and who will read it?  Will they all take turns?  Will only Republicans be allowed to read?  This exercise sounds about as interesting as watching paint dry or grass grow.  How often will this exercise happen?  Ah, here are the answers:

Though it has been inserted as text into the Congressional Record before, the supreme law of the land has never been read aloud before in the body known as “the People’s House.”

The man responsible for the exercise, Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., says it’s more than just a simple civics lesson.

“This is a very symbolic showing to the American people,” said Goodlatte, “and it’s a powerful message to members of Congress. We are a nation of laws, not of men.”

It appears that some folks are confusing the Constitution with the Bible.  Additional rules have been approved:

The emphasis on the Constitution won’t end with the reading of the document. The House on Wednesday approved a package of rules for the 112th Congress, put forward by Cantor, that includes a provision mandating that all bills cite their constitutional authority.

Now this is beginning to sound like the SOL objectives.  It’s going to be a long 2 years before everyone gets sick of all this.  I wonder how many of those rascals will being the newspaper and a smart phone to play with?  I hope no one gets caught napping.