Bathrooms: What’s all the hoopla about?



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Why do politicians involve themselves in these issues?

If a girl becomes a boy, unless he has had surgery, he can’t use the urinal.  Therefore, he goes into the stall.  The door is closed, what’s the issue?

If a boy becomes a girl,  then she goes into the girls’ room where there are stalls with doors.  There are no urinals.  Close the door, do your business and leave.  No politician needs to be involved.

If we are speaking of school environment, if the Moon-Howler solution doesn’t work, then build a unisex bathroom with a single stall.  One at a time.  Mission accomplished.

We don’t need 500 rules to govern bathrooms.

For people who want less government interference, the Republicans in North Carolina have really out-done themselves in the invasion department.

elephant pee

Should the government be promoting acceptance of LGBT youths???


Positive forces such as TV role models and support groups such as The Trevor Project have brought acceptance issues to the forefront for youth in the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. The federal government is paying more attention as well: The first-ever Federal LGBT Youth Summit took place in Washington this month, emphasizing the gravity of bullying and the many forms it may take.

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Should our government be investing in the mental health of LGBT youth?  Most definitely.  The suicide rate amongst kids who are LGBT is extremely high when compared to straight kids.  Additionally, even the slightest perception that a person is ‘gay’ brings out the hounds of Hell in the bullying department.  Youth that are LGBTnot only have to protect themselves at school or in sports, they also have to ward off problems within their nuclear family where siblings and even parents can make life a living hell.  Most parents simply don’t have the skills to deal best with a child who doesn’t fit into what society deems ‘normal.’

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