Indiana Protects Buffalo Modesty on State Seal

Not to be upstaged by Virginia, the cultural warriors of Indiana, embarrassed by a bare butted, pantsless buffalo on its state seal, made plans to correct this graphic depiction of animal  indecency. 

Here is the current State Seal of Indiana.  As you can see, this fine fellow is not wearing pants, thus exposing his buffalo “parts.” 

Indiana State Seal

Considered way too personal and graphic, some of the Indiana cultural warriors met in committee to fix this embarrassment. After all, Virginia had covered the exposed breast of that Amazon woman, Goddess Virtue who had been slaying tyrants for Virginia for over 200 years. All sorts of Virginia tight-asses had averted their eyes for years until they were rescued by the new Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, a transplant from NJ, who changed the attire of Goddess Virtue from exposed breast to neck-high breast plate.

Here is the proposal to keep Indiana’s buffalo in a more modest pose:

Indiana State Seapantsl

Good job, Cultural Warriors of Indiana. Your honor has been restored.

(Your state seal now looks like Sponge Buffalo Square Pants but that’s ok!)

Satire and sarcasm button off now. Thanks to a mysterious Ray for his art work.

Open Carry Discrimination (Jon Stewart)

Sorry everyone. The Devil made me do it. I could not help myself. It is easier to beg forgiveness than to not do it. My son already rose up in protest. I told him it was a joke, a spoof. He isn’t laughing.

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